You Won’t Believe What This Silly Cat Brings His Parents From The Bathroom Every Single Night

I think every cat parent would agree that cats are the funniest animals on the planet.
The silly antics they do on a daily basis have us all in stitches, and we often simply can’t help but accept them for who they are – and laugh out loud.
The feline purrtagonist of today’s story is no exception, as he’s equally silly as any other kitty out there.
Meet Ninja George, an adorable tuxedo cat with the craziest nighttime routine you’ve ever heard of!

Ninja George is a ‘foster fail’ in his family – a kitty his mom and dad initially only intended to foster, until they ended up falling head over heels for him.
In the beginning, they simply called him George, but his developing personality and silly habits he picked along the way inspired a fitting nickname.
His dad, Scott Jamroz, explained in an interview:
“When we put up two baby gates to keep him in the room and not go downstairs, he figured out how to climb the gate, and he was only about 6 weeks old. Hence, Ninja George.”
As George grew older, Scott and his wife discovered their beloved kitty had other skills too, besides climbing gates…

From the day he entered their lives, Ninja George has been fiercely loyal and protective of his family. He always made sure they had everything they needed – and more – at all times.
He constantly brought them various gifts, but one night about a year ago, George came proudly down the stairs with the strangest item from the upstairs bathroom.
His parents couldn’t help but laugh at his odd choice, but they didn’t think much of it. That is, until the next day, when George repeated his strange ritual.
Every night since then, like clockwork, George has been trotting down the stairs with the same unusual bathroom item in his mouth – a tampon!
Scott shares an amusing insight into George’s nightly antics:
“My wife keeps them in a basket under the bathroom sink. And a few times a week, he’ll go in and knock it out. We’ll hear it and know what that means. Then he starts crying VERY loud! And after a few minutes of his crying, he’ll come running down the stairs with a tampon in his mouth.”
Even though Scott and his wife have no clue why George does what he does – they make sure to thank him for it every night!
Each tampon is always individually wrapped, so thankfully, George’s habit isn’t unsafe.
Sure, it started as a nuisance to Scott’s wife since George was essentially wasting tampons, but as it often happens, she’s grown to love his quirky behavior.

For Scott and his wife, the reason behind George’s nightly gifts doesn’t matter. As long as it brings a smile to their faces, that’s all that counts!
Now it’s your turn! What weird thing does your kitty do? Share your stories in the comments below so we can all enjoy a good laugh.
Who knows, your furry friend might just inspire my next story!