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This Cat’s Devastating Grief Over Losing Her Dog Best Friend Will Break Your Heart

This Cat’s Devastating Grief Over Losing Her Dog Best Friend Will Break Your Heart

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Many years ago when Bree was just a teenager she decided to adopt a dog from her local shelter.

She went there and immediately fell in love with a dog named Barney, a mixed breed that desperately needed a home. 

dog lying on couch
Credit: TikTok

Bree took him home and this is when their remarkable journey began. She had no intention to adopt more animals, but destiny had other plans for her. 

While scrolling through her Facebook she stumbled upon a post from Pet Smart about a cat who needed a forever home. 

cat in a bath tub
Credit: TikTok

Bree was instantly drawn to him because of an adorable silly feature. He had a black spot above his mouth that resembled a mustache! 

Although he was the cutest cat she had ever seen, Bree convinced herself she didn’t need another pet. 

cat and dog indoors
Credit: TikTok

Over the next few days, Bree just couldn’t stop thinking about the cat. One morning she was feeling a little bit down and in an instant, she decided a quick trip to Pet Smart would make her feel better.

Little did she know, this trip was about to change everything…

cat and dog cuddling
Credit: TikTok

The moment she met the cat she saw online, Bree fell in love. Without a second thought, she signed the adoption contract, and Stache the cat was on his way to a forever home. 

The staff at Pet Smart told her that he’s a bit shy and would probably need a lot of time to adjust to his new surroundings, especially to Barney. 

cat playing with the dog
Credit: TikTok

But to Bree’s surprise, it took only 3 days for Stache and Barney to become best friends. She walked in on them cuddling and grooming each other on the sofa.

This was the moment Bree realized she made the best decision ever. From that day on Barney and Stache were inseparable. 

dog and cat lying together
Credit: TikTok

The two would play, nap, eat, and even wrestle together. The next 7 years were filled with a lot of love and Barney and Stache became like a bonded pair, always looking out for each other. 

photo of cat and dog
Credit: TikTok

Unfortunately, once Barney turned 14 years old, he became sick. The vet told Bree no medication could help him and that she should consider helping him cross the rainbow bridge. 

It was the hardest decision Bree had ever faced, but she knew it was the right one. Seeing her beloved Barny suffer was heartbreaking. 

On his last day, Bree made sure Stache said goodbye to him. But she never expected what was about to happen when she returned home without Barney.

cat grieving
Credit: TikTok

Stache was confused and he kept searching around, hoping Barney would show up. Bree already extremely sad, couldn’t believe her eyes.

Stache understood Barney was gone and he started mourning in his own way. He would come up to Barney’s old bed and just sit there. 

It was a soul-crushing sight for Bree, but she understood Stache’s grief and was there to comfort him every day since Barney left them. 

This story reminds me of another cat and his grief, proving to us once more just how compassionate cats are. 

Give your furry friends an extra hug and smooch today, because they deserve it!

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