Cat Guides People To A Wall Revealing Tiny Cries For Help Coming From Inside

people followed random cat

Sometimes, I believe cats can be more human than some people. If you don’t think so, check out this amazing cat who helped save a poor kitten in distress. She helped rescue the kitten when no one even knew he was in danger.

It all started when a random cat appeared in the apartment complex out of nowhere. No one knew whose cat she was, so people wanted to catch her and find her owner or find her a home.

cat on street
Credit: YouTube

Although she seemed sweet and affectionate, she cunningly evaded capture every time someone tried to approach her.

Little did the residents know, this cat had a mission. After several failed attempts to catch her, she led them to a wall in the apartment complex and laid down, refusing to move. 

cat hearing noise
Credit: YouTube

Gathering around the cat, people soon began hearing a strange sound coming from the wall, and it became clear the cat had led them there for a reason. 

An investigation revealed a kitten’s cries coming from a tiny hole in the wall, trapped deep within where he could neither be seen nor reached easily. 

dark cave
Credit: YouTube

As news of the kitten spread, more people arrived with tools to assist, including an endoscope camera to pinpoint his location.

Upon putting the camera inside the hole, they saw a pair of sparkly eyes deep down the pipe. The poor kitten struggled to climb up while crying desperately, but it was all in vain.

cat's eyes in the dark
Credit: YouTube

In the meantime, the vet arrived at the location to check the kittens’ condition through the monitor. She instantly noticed that he was severely dehydrated.

Quickly, the rescue team devised a plan to keep the kitten alive until they figured out how to save him. They gave him water through the hose and the kitten instantly started drinking water.

After that, they have him a piece of meat tied to a string, providing him with much-needed energy after days of starvation. 

cat stuck in dark
Credit: YouTube

No one knew how the kitten ended up in such a dangerous place, but what mattered the most was to safely rescue him.

The rescuers went to ask the villagers for permission to cut through the wall and when everyone agreed, they finally began the rescue mission.

rescuers saving kitten
Credit: YouTube

While the experts were cautiously cutting the wall, others monitored the kitten’s condition through the camera.

In the beginning, the kitten was very calm, but as the experts proceeded to cut deeper into the wall, he began crying loudly out of fear and anxiety. Sadly, they had to pause the mission as the kitten became too anxious.

poor kitten standing through the wall hole
Credit: YouTube

Once he calmed down, the experts proceeded with their mission. After breaking the wall, they carefully cut through the ditch, and finally, a dusty little kitten peeked out. 

The vet gently took the kitten and instantly took him to the clinic for further examination. Miraculously, aside from dehydration and starvation, the kitten was in good health. 

kitty in a towel
Credit: YouTube

Despite being in good health, the kitten was hospitalized to receive the necessary care and nutrients to aid his recovery.

Everyone was overjoyed that the kitten was finally safe. He was recovering fast, and his true personality finally started to blossom.

Moved by this rescue mission, people repaired the wall and blocked the hole to prevent further accidents.

veterinarian looking at cat's eyes
Credit: YouTube

But what happened to the cat who brought help for the desperate kitten in need?

After ensuring the kitten was safe, she vanished just as mysteriously as she had appeared. It was as if she was a guardian angel, sent to save the kitten before continuing her unknown journey. 

saved cat feeling happy
Credit: YouTube

While some things about this story remain a mystery, the most important thing is that the kitten was safely rescued and ready to embrace his new chance at life. 

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