Why Is My Cat Purring Loudly? TOP 10 Reasons

a gray cat spins while sleeping

Everyone who has spent some time with a cat knows that they purr. However, when you are a cat owner, you become more interested in these things than you would ever have imagined before becoming a cat parent.

Perhaps your cat has always been prone to purring loudly, or maybe they have started to purr louder than before, and your concerns have brought you here. Perhaps you just wonder why do cats purr at all, and now you want to learn all about it.

You’ve come to the right place, because I’ve done the research for you! Stay tuned to find out everything you want to know about a cat purring loudly.

Let’s take a look at the top 10 reasons why cats purr loudly…

1. Happiness = Cat Purring Loudly

the gray cat almost fell asleep in the arms of the spinning woman

The happier the cat is, the louder it will purr (*Barney Stinson saying ‘true story’ lol).

All cats purr; wild cats such as lions and cheetahs… and our domestic cats as well. This is their way of showing that they are happy and content. You can see this yourself when you pet your cat. When you approach your cat and give it attention, it purrs. The more you pet your cat, the louder it purrs.

Cats have a connection between their larynx and their brain; when they are content, the larynx vibrates to produce those soothing sounds called purrs.

This is your cat telling you they are extremely happy and satisfied at the moment. Louder purrs = happier cats.

2. Cats Purr When Hungry

I’ve noticed this in my own cat; when it’s mealtime and we are approaching the cat’s food bowl, I feel like the whole house echoes with his purrs.

Some researchers claim that cats communicate messages in their purrs, so they have slightly different purrs to say different things. My cat is often saying ‘ feed me ’ while purring. And I admit, he is so darn cute that sometimes I give in to his purrs and meows and feed him when he demands it.

3. Do Cats Purrs Change Volume?

Your cat may be purring louder than before because they are growing and changing. As it grows up, your cat’s vocal cords develop so they are able to be louder when meowing and purring.

Their body changes throughout their lifetime, as do their vocalizations. Also, if your cat gets fatter or thinner, their purr volume might change too. It also depends on the cat breed; some breeds are considered to be more vocal than others. Kitten purrs change when cats are growing up, and this is highly noticeable in Maine Coons or Siamese cats.

Some cats are louder purrers than others. The loudest purr ever recorded was 67.8 decibels. Merlin, a rescue cat, holds this world record.

4. A Cat Purrs To Communicate Its Needs

the yellow cat spins in the woman's arms

Cats mix their meowing and purring, all in order to get your attention. They may purr louder when they want something from you. Whether they want food, cuddles, playtime, or for you to open the door for them (I know my cat does this), they will use a mixture of purrs and meows to ask for what they need.

With my cat, it usually starts suddenly and makes me come running to check on my cat… it’s usually just demanding to go outside.

5. A Chilled Cat Purrs Loudly

Relaxed cats purr loudly. The best known reason for a cat purring is relaxation and contentment.

When a cat is relaxed, they will produce purring sounds. My cat, for example, spends most of his time lying around and purring. He is usually stretched out on top of the couch, snuggled in the loaf position, eyes half open and purring so that the whole household can hear.

Cat’s purrs are also a form of communication. They do not talk and this is their way to show us their affection, emotions, and especially when they are feeling relaxed and safe around us.

6. Cat Purrs are Signs Of Healing

By purring, cats release endorphins which are proven to have a pain killing impact on your cat. It is stress-relieving and relaxing for them.

Maybe your cat has gone through some health issues, and is now purring louder than before; this is normal. By purring, they help themselves to heal.

However, if your cat is suddenly purring very loudly and sitting or laying still for a long period of time, it might be a good idea to consult the vet. There may be some medical problem that needs to be taken care of, and your cat’s loud purrs are his attempt to calm himself or alert you to the problem.

7. Your Cat’s Purrs Calm You

The sound of purring has a soothing and calming effect on us. Cats sense these things and sometimes, especially if they have a strong emotional bond with their human, they will purr to make them feel good.

Cats do this with each other; they can feel if their cat friend is feeling unwell and will therefore lay next to, or on top of them, and purr to comfort them. Cats purr for us to relax us. Researchers have proven that cat’s purring reduces blood pressure in humans. It also helps us while we are in the healing process.

I know, for example, when my dad had surgery, and he had to lie in one of those medical beds at home. Our kitten was with him all the time. My dad always remembers those days, and how the company of his little furry friend helped him through the healing process. A purring cat is calming and comforting.

8. Loud Purring While Sleeping

a black and white cat spins while a woman cuddles her

Sleepy purrs are the best, especially when you’re snuggled up next to your cat in bed.

Cats usually purr while sleeping because they feel safe and relaxed. They are in a deep sleep and are getting a good night’s rest. This also means that your cat is comfortable. My cat would sometimes purr so loudly that I thought he was snoring, but he sometimes snores too so now I know the difference!

Purring means not only that your cat is comfortable in their sleeping spot, but also that they are comfortable with you. It is normal for purring to stop after a while when they are asleep, but every cat is different.

9. Cat Purrs Loudly For Mommy

Cats start purring while they’re still kittens. They purr to communicate with their mothers. Mother cats purr to them as a way of sweet talking to their babies, and kittens do it so their mothers know how they feel.

It is natural then that adult cats who now have humans as pet parents, purr for them as well. Cats purr for their pet owners ; it’s part of how they form bonds and become affectionate towards us. Our feline friends purr to show us how they feel just like they would do for their mother cats.

10. That Loud Purr May Be Your Cat’s Normal Purr

Cats purr when in a good mood, and some cats purr louder than others. Loud purring may be normal for your cat. It is not usually a sign of distress, but you can observe your cat during the day to make sure.

You can pay close attention to your cat’s behavior during the day, and in their sleep. Is your cat purring loudly all the time? Then this may be their normal volume.

If your cats’ purring is sometimes quiet, and sometimes much louder, you could consult a vet to check if there is anything wrong; perhaps they are purring louder to help them to manage pain or discomfort.

Q & A

Why does my cat purr so loud when I cuddle him?

a beautiful cat spins while sleeping

Satisfaction. Your cat is showing you that it is satisfied and happy. This means that you and your cat have a strong bond, and your cat feels safe in your company, and safe when you pet them.

Loud purring is also their way of communication and showing appreciation for what you’re doing. Your cat is showing you that they enjoy when you’re cuddling and petting them.

Why does my cat only purr loudly when she’s happy?

Every cat is different. Your cat might be less vocal than others. If your cat only purrs loudly when it is feeling happy, this is normal for them. They are probably showing their emotions in other ways.

Your cat might be purring on different occasions, but just not as loud as when they’re happy!

What are benefits of cat purring loudly?

It is soothing both for cats, and humans. It lowers the blood pressure in humans, and it reduces anxiety and stress.

For cats, it is a way of comforting and healing themselves, and the ultimate sign of relaxation. While purring, endorphins are released and this has a calming and soothing effect on them.

How does a cat purr so loudly?

Cats use muscles in their diaphragm and larynx, and by using them they control the airflow while breathing, vibrating to produce the purring sounds.


Cat behavior is sometimes the strangest thing, but when you do some research and pay attention to your cat’s body language, it all becomes easier to understand.

All cats purr, but why is your cat purring loudly? Well, there may be several different reasons behind it. Cats purr when they are feeling happy or relaxed and when they feel safe, especially next to their owners. Cats purr when they need something as well, like food or cuddles.

Cats also purr when they are being affectionate, so it can be a sign of love too. Now that we have looked at the 10 most common reasons for your cat purring loudly, I am sure you will recognize at least one of them from your cat’s behavior.

Now that you know why your cat is purring, what do you think, why do cats make the so-called “clicking noise”?

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