Goofy Kitty Swallows Bubblegum And Ends Up With A Problem Ready To Pop!

It’s no secret that our feline companions are some of the silliest creatures that ever walked the Earth!
The things they do and the sticky situations they often find themselves in never cease to amaze.
Just recently, I stumbled upon a YouTube video that literally made me laugh out loud while lying alone in bed at night.
The video features a lovely tuxedo kitty – with a bubble on her butt! Apparently, she swallowed a bubblegum and found herself with a problem ready to pop at any time!

The funny YouTube cat video has gained over 17 million views, reaching people all across the globe.
I have to admit, it made me wonder: Did this cat really swallow bubblegum? Or was it just her owner’s prank to get views?
Whether they stuck the bubble on her or she actually ate a piece of gum, we have to admit – this little furry diva has given a whole new meaning to the term ‘bubble butt’ that fitness aficionados love to use! DM her for training tips, haha!

Now that we had our laugh, it’s time to get serious. A cat swallowing a piece of gum can actually be quite dangerous.
Many chewing gums contain xylitol, a sweetener that’s safe for humans but harmful to felines.
Even small amounts of this toxic substance can cause hypoglycemia in cats and consequently lead to weakness, liver damage, and seizures.

Additionally, chewing gum can also cause intestinal blockage in cats. Since it can’t be digested, gum can block a cat’s digestive tract, leading to vomiting, significant weight loss, and other health complications.
And it goes without saying that chewing gums pose a serious choking hazard for our feline friends.
Now that we got that covered, here’s the video I’ve been rambling about:
Even though the video is funny, I hope it doesn’t give you any ideas. Please, don’t offer your kitty a pack of gum just for a laugh.
I’m sure this tuxedo fluff is fine, but still – don’t try this at home!