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Salinas Cat Travels Over 800 Miles To Make It Back Home After Disappearing In Yellowstone

Salinas Cat Travels Over 800 Miles To Make It Back Home After Disappearing In Yellowstone

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Losing a pet feels like losing a piece of your heart, but losing them miles away from home is a whole new kind of agony. It’s a situation that Benny and Susanne Anguiano never thought they’d find themselves in. Yet, they did.

One day, Benny and Susanne decided to take a road trip from their home in Salinas, California, to the breathtaking landscapes of Yellowstone National Park.

They thought it would be a grand adventure. But in an unexpected twist, that adventure took a heartbreaking turn when their beloved cat went missing.

portret Salinas Cat
Credit: YouTube

Rayne Beau – whose name sounds just like “rainbow”, was spooked by something and bolted into the trees. In an instant, he was gone – disappearing into the unknown territory of the park.

The couple combed through every corner of the park, hoping to find any trace of him. Benny spent hours walking for miles and miles, calling out his name, but their cat was nowhere to be found.

forest with large branches
Credit: YouTube

With heavy hearts and tears in their eyes, Benny and Susanne had to head back to California without their precious pet. It was a gut-wrenching decision but they couldn’t stay there forever.

Leaving the park without Rayne Beau felt like a betrayal to the devastated couple, as Sussane shared in an interview:

“We had to leave without him. That was the hardest day because I felt like I was abandoning him.”

crying woman
Credit: YouTube

Just as they were leaving, Susanne noticed a beautiful double rainbow stretching across the sky. It felt like a sign, a small glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, Rayne Beau would find his way back to them.

Weeks passed, and the couple continued to hold onto that fragile hope. It wasn’t until 60 days later that they got the call they had been waiting for.

An animal shelter in Roseville, California, reported finding a stray cat with a microchip, identifying him as none other than Rayne Beau!

the marked route the cat took to come home
Credit: YouTube

Stunned and overjoyed, Benny and Susanne could barely believe it. Roseville was over 800 miles away from the park where Rayne Beau had gone missing. How could a small cat have possibly traveled such a staggering distance?

As incredible as it seemed, Rayne Beau had somehow set off on an incredible journey, traveling across states and enduring countless challenges to find the way home.

When they finally reunited, Susanne’s heart melted as she saw him again, although he looked much different from the plump, well-fed kitty. Weighing just 8 pounds, nearly half his original weight, poor Rayne Beau was exhausted but alive.

a woman kisses her cat
Credit: YouTube

Isn’t it incredible how something as small as a microchip can make all the difference in reuniting lost pets with their families? Susanne couldn’t emphasize enough the importance of doing this, sharing:

“Definitely microchip your cat or your pet and register the microchip online. We would have never gotten him back had that not happened.”

That tiny chip brought a family back together after months of heartache, and it can be a lifeline for so many other families, too. If you truly love your pet, microchipping them is a simple way to keep them safe and help them find their way back home.

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