Bella, a sweet and adventurous cat, nearly gave her owners a heart attack when she got stuck up a giant tree for almost a month!
It all began one evening when Bella climbed up a 100-foot-tall ponderosa pine near her home, likely chased by a coyote spotted in the area.

Her owners assumed she would find her way down after a day or two. But as the days passed, Bella showed no signs of descending, leaving her owners deeply worried.
After a few days, Bella’s owners decided to contact local tree services for help. Despite reaching out to several tree experts, it seemed that no one could take on the challenge.
They first called two local ones, who tried to climb but were unsuccessful.

One guy climbed the tree but couldn’t get that far because of the dry branches.
The other guys said that they would have to trim all the branches and that would make her jump because the chainsaw would scare her.
A few more guys tried saving her but they had no luck. Then they contacted another specialist who, after inspecting the tree, refused even to give it a try.
The tree is old, dry, rotten, and mighty tall, after all!

Bella’s family was desperate! They made calls to 15 other tree services, but none were willing to attempt the risky rescue.
In the meantime, Bella’s family tried everything to keep her comfortable.
The first two climbers who attempted to climb left food near Bella in the tree, which she eventually ate and gained a bit of energy.

Rain provided some moisture, helping Bella stay hydrated. Her owners also got creative, using a fishing pole to fling a line about 70 feet up and lift a cat carrier with food inside.
Bella eventually climbed into the carrier to eat, but it got stuck, making it impossible to lower down safely.
After all these failed rescue attempts, Canopy Cat Rescue finally heard about the situation and came to help.

When they arrived, they couldn’t spot Bella at first, she was still tucked inside the cat carrier high up in the tree.
So, this rescue team devised a plan and started climbing to get closer to poor Bella.
These dedicated rescuers specialize in saving cats stuck in trees. They climbed up, carefully stepping onto the dry branches until they finally reached Bella.

She was understandably nervous at first, but soon relaxed and let her rescuers gently scoop her into their arms.

After giving Bella a small treat, they put her in the cat bag and slowly made their way down the enormous tree!
Can you imagine the happiness of her family? Finally, after 24 long days, their beloved pet cat was safe and sound!
Once they got down, the rescuers suggested taking Bella indoors and releasing her from the bag, to prevent her from getting scared and running off again.

The family immediately noticed Bella looked a lot skinnier, which was no surprise after her 24-day ordeal. They planned to take her to the vet right away.

Canopy Cat Rescue have successfully saved yet another cat in distress, and the joy of reuniting her with her family made all their efforts worthwhile!
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