Woman Puzzled By Her Cat’s Odd Habit Needs Help To Decode The Mystery Behind It

Every cat parent knows that their beloved furballs have a wide array of peculiar behaviors. For example, my cat likes to stare at the ceiling for hours or bring me “gifts” each time she goes outside.
When Steph, a self-proclaimed non-cat person, adopted her first fluffs, Lux and Ivy, she immediately fell head over heels for them. However, she soon realized that Ivy was no ordinary feline.

According to Steph, Lux and Ivy were siblings whose owners decided to put them up for adoption because they no longer had time to take care of them.
Her partner sent her the link to the two adorable felines and suggested adopting them, as a way of filling up a void her late dog left when he passed away.

Despite being hesitant at first, Steph agreed to bring Lux and Ivy home and, in no time, grew to adore them.
Then one day she saw Ivy doing something rather strange:
Prompted on her hind legs with her front paws above her head, Ivy looked like she was doing some ancient feline dance.
Steph thought that was just a one-time thing until she saw her doing it again. And again. And again! She said:
“My partner sometimes will come into the room and say she’s doing it by herself.”
They were baffled by Ivy’s weird behavior, especially because her brother Lux was nothing like her. He had always been so calm and chill – a true lap cat one might say!

His sister on the other hand was definitely his polar opposite! I suppose Steph really got the best of both worlds when she adopted these two.
According to Steph, not only was Ivy doing her little dance, but was also extremely vocal.
“She talks also. She meows, and she also, I don’t even know what to call it, but she’ll just walk around and look at me and start chirping and saying something. I don’t know what she’s saying, but she’s quite vocal.”
Steph described Ivy as royalty in their home. Everything revolves around her and everyone’s sole mission is to protect Ivy and tend to her every need. Well, if you ask me, such a queen deserves nothing less!

Although Ivy’s dance is unique and adorable, Steph still wonders why she’s doing it. She started seeking an explanation from her Instagram followers, especially because Lux recently started doing it, too.
What’s your theory on this? Do you happen to know why these siblings are doing their little dance? Have you ever encountered something similar? If you know anything, please rid us of our misery and share your information with us.
For more Lux and Ivy content, check out their Instagram page.
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