Police Think There’s A Jumper On An Overpass In Tempe But They Are So Wrong

police on a jumbper found something

Officers from the Arizona Department of Public Safety received several reports about someone leaning over the edge of a highway overpass in Tempe. 

Fearing that this person might be contemplating a jump, the troopers rushed to the scene to prevent a potential tragedy.

However, upon arrival, they discovered a surprisingly heartwarming situation. The individual wasn’t considering suicide but was actually trying to rescue a kitten that was stuck on a support pillar just below the ramp.

AZDPS wrote:

“When troopers arrived at the scene, they discovered the man was not suicidal but was actually trying to help a kitten who somehow found itself stranded on a support pillar just below the transition ramp.”

To assist in the rescue, the officers halted traffic and, with the help of a bystander who provided a rope and a bucket, began their mission to save the kitten.

a kitten looking into the can
Credit: Facebook

After a short while, the kitten, curious but cautious, finally jumped into the bucket. As they reported:

“After a few minutes of sniffing out the situation, the kitten finally hopped into the bucket headfirst.”

The officers carefully pulled the kitten up, finding it starving but otherwise unharmed. This successful rescue was a moment of joy for everyone involved. 

police officer on the highway
Credit: Facebook

While it’s unclear how the kitten ended up in such a dangerous spot, its life took a positive turn that day. As an AZDPS worker said in an interview:

“The Good Samaritan who provided the rope and bucket adopted the kitten.”

After such a dramatic incident, the kitten found a loving home and the best possible outcome from this frightening situation. Watch their full rescue here.

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