Woman Hears Faint Cries From Boxes On The Street And Can’t Believe What’s Sealed Inside

It’s a heartbreaking reality that cats, once beloved pets and cherished family members, sometimes get abandoned in the most terrible conditions. One such case stands out and highlights the depth of this unfortunate truth.
One seemingly ordinary night, a woman was walking through an alley when she heard a faint whisper of a meow. She looked around, but nothing was there except some boxes lying on the floor.
Intrigued by the meowing sound, and perhaps guided by fate, she paused to investigate. Little did she know, what the boxes contained was nothing short of a nightmare — cats trapped within layers of tape!

The worried woman called for help and the Celia Hammond Animal Trust (CHAT) arrived. The shelter’s founder shared:
“We regularly respond to cases of cats abandoned in boxes and baskets left in alleyways, on doorsteps, and in the street, but in this case, the number of cats and the way that they were sealed in the boxes has been particularly shocking.”

With the clock ticking and the poor cats without air, the rescuers raced against time trying to free them. However, there was a catch — how would the frightened felines react once let out, would they run into the road?
So the team came up with a plan to poke air holes in each box and ensure the precious creatures were safe until they reached the shelter, sharing:
“We didn’t know their temperaments so didn’t dare open the boxes and risk them flying out into the road, so made a few tiny holes to let air in but not big enough to allow them to rip at the cardboard and escape.”

Upon arriving at the shelter, the rescuers faced yet another dilemma — how to open the heavily taped boxes without hurting the cats they were trying to save? So they opted for a butter knife and started cutting through, sharing:
“The risk of cutting the cats would have made it too dangerous to use scissors to open the boxes, so we used a butter knife to get the cats out as quickly as possible.”

The first box revealed three ginger cats. In the second one, another orange trio emerged. A pair of gingers was found in the third box, and finally, the fourth one held one more ginger duo and a black and white tuxedo cat.
A total of 11 adorable cats were saved. Their wide eyes reflected the fear they felt trapped within those suffocating boxes, but thankfully they were all still alive.

The CHAT team gave their best to calm the traumatized felines, whispering soothing words and offering the care they so desperately needed, sharing:
“All the cats are extremely underweight and covered in fleas. Our vets treated them for fleas immediately on arrival in the clinic, but we will have to build them up before they are fit enough to be neutered, vaccinated, and microchipped before they are re-homed.”

Noticing their strong resemblance, the rescuers assumed the ginger cats were related. And as for the adorable tuxedo, well, who says animals cannot extend their families? This furry family has definitely found solace in each other’s company.

Despite their horrible fate, the felines acted friendly and comfortable around people. So it was truly devastating to consider they were once cherished pets abandoned and dumped in the most heartbreaking way. CHAT shared:
“One really strange thing is that these cats are really friendly and have clearly once been loved, handled, and cuddled — what on earth would drive an apparently loving owner to do something so terrible?”

As the cats recovered from the shock, the CHAT team began sharing updates about their progress. With support from kind people, they received all the necessary treatments and were ready for a new life.

The shelter took extra care to ensure the cats were adopted in pairs or groups, and happily, they all found their forever homes.
Although this heart-breaking story has a happy ending, I can’t help but wonder: what about all the other cats still waiting to be rescued from their plight?
Well, I just hope there are enough compassionate souls out there willing to offer a helping hand. Only then will there be hope for the desperate cats in need.