Marcia Seager, a respected foster hero and rescuer in the cat community, recently shared a story that will pull at your heartstrings.

With the temperatures dropping every day, the lives of stray cats became even harder. Such was the case for a feral cat colony, that lived under a trailer of a kindhearted lady who fed them every day.
Sadly, the lady was an older resident who had to be moved to a senior home as she was not able to care for herself anymore.

This meant that the cat colony she fed was also left all alone, with no one to feed them or shelter them from the freezing temperatures.
Luckily, the neighbors realized the desperate state these cats were in so they called their local cat rescue for help.

This is when Marcia and her team came and managed to find foster homes for all except one cat. A giant ginger cat named Eeyore.
He was the one to put up a fight against the rescuers, showing his fierce side not knowing these people were about to help him.

Marcia realized he needed a special foster home, with someone experienced enough to tame this feral boy.
And who was better for the task than Marcia herself? She brought him to her home and made him a special cozy place in her garage with many heaters and blankets to keep him warm.

However, every time Marcia tried to come close to him, he would immediately hiss at her! He was not used to human touch and he found himself in a new environment, absolutely scared.
She knew she had to take things slow with him, as giving up on Eeyore was not an option.
So every day, Marcia would equip herself with two pairs of gloves and sit next to Eeyore while he occasionally hissed at her.

She would gently place her hand inside, to let him know she meant no harm. But this is when she noticed something heartbreaking.
As Eeyore decided to hiss at her once more, Marcia noticed that all of his teeth were completely rotten.

She figured that he was just cranky from all the pain and discomfort this caused him. Marcia made an appointment with the vet and just days after Eeyore got all of his teeth removed.
From that moment on, without the constant pain in his mouth, Eeyore started coming out of his shell.
He would allow Marcia to gently stroke him and he would even place his adorable fluffy paw on top of her hand! It was almost as if he was trying to tell her ‘Thank you for helping me’.

A family reached out to Marcia and said they were more than willing to adopt Eeyore and provide him with the best life possible. It was time for Marcia to say goodbye to her fierce ginger Eeyore.
In his new home, he had his bedroom and a bunch of toys, but most importantly he had people who showered him with love daily!
This story just proves to us that a little love and commitment can change a cat’s life forever!
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