Woman Shocked After Discovering Five Precious Babies In An Old Pig Pen

The other day while I was at work, I googled some cats because I was curious about a certain topic when I stumbled upon a photo of 5 kittens.
I’m sure you know me well enough to know that I immediately clicked on it to see what was up.
An Imgur user named ActuallyAJellyfish posted photos and shared her process of adopting 5 newborn feral kittens that she found in an old pig pen near her home. Let’s see what happened after.
Luck Smiled On These 5 Fur Babies

This photo is the first photo that Actually A Jellyfish shared on her Imgur account, saying this is how she found them in an old pig pen.
“There were dogs living nearby so we knew it wasn’t safe to leave them there.”
She decided to rescue the poor kittens and transfer them safely to their new home via cat carrier. The kittens were afraid at first, and once they got home, they wouldn’t leave the cat carrier.

This is totally normal and frankly expected, considering they were scared before and they don’t know the outside world at all. This amazing person went out of her way to make a comfy first home for them.
She set up a big dog crate with everything they needed; food bowls, water bowls, a litter tray, and a bed. This meant they could still feel safe but also they could see what was going on around them.

After a while, they got used to the crate and started coming out and climbing on its bars. This was when she knew the kittens were ready to step out of the crate and explore more of her home.

As soon as they were let out of the dog crate, two of the kittens climbed right into the woman’s lap.
As you can see in the photo above, the grey and white kitten (whom she named Roadhog) and the black and white one (whom she named Winston), climbed right up.
“Winston was the first to come around people. He’s so goofy and cuddly that I fell in love immediately.”
The woman says she was extremely happy and super excited when she saw how her hard work was starting to pay off. Socializing the kittens really works wonders!

Roadhog continued being cuddly and playful, and it looks like he’ll become a real lap cat in the future.
The woman further describes the rest of the kittens, naming them all and discovering their unique traits.

This little one she named Tiny Tim… she took this photo when he finally came to her and enjoyed some cuddles.
“Tiny Tim is like the little brother of the group. He stayed shy for a long time after his brothers. This picture is from the day he finally learned what pets were and became a huge cuddle bug.”
There are two girl kittens as well…

The black and white one is named Moira, and the grey and white one is named Mercy.
They were both very shy at the beginning, but soon they learned that cuddling is the best thing in the world, although Moira is still cautious…
“Both were very shy at first. Mercy came around eventually and now loves love. She will purr and purr when she gets petted. Moira isn’t quite on board with people yet, she’s still wary and unsure.”
She’s unsure, that’s for sure…

They all look healthy and content. Winston seems the most comfortable of all, sleeping on her chest:

Or, wait… perhaps Roadhog is even more comfortable. Look at him just chilling, all spread out.

“Roadhog sleeps in the weirdest positions. He spreads his body out across whatever he can reach.”

And here’s the full squad:

“Actually A Jellyfish” leaves us with a comment that these cute kittens have brought her so much joy that she hopes they’ll bring as much joy to somebody else.
She didn’t say it clearly, but after searching through the comments, I found out why!
She kept Winston and Roadhog and rehomed the other ones. There are so many positive comments, and I agree with most of them.
It’s truly amazing what this woman did, and not many people would go out of their way to rescue and save, plus adjust these fur babies so they can have a normal life. I hope they’ll all be adopted by great people and lead joyful lives.