Rescuers Save A Feral Cat And Dedicated Fosterer Turns Her Four Kittens Into Loving Cuddle Bugs

When rescuers spotted the stray pregnant cat from today’s story, they knew she needed urgent help.
The poor mama cat looked like she was about to have her babies any minute, so the rescuers jumped in to help.

However, they had no idea mama cat was feral. And when I say feral, I mean the spicy hissing feral.
The only thing that stopped her from running away from rescuers, was the fact that she was already in labor. That same night, Barbara the feral mama had four adorable kittens in the safety of the shelter.

The shelter contacted one of their dedicated foster volunteers, Laura G. Without a moment of hesitation, she agreed to take the little feral family under her caring wing.
Laura was surprised just by how feral and hostile the mama cat was. The moment Laura brought them home, Barbara was hissing at her trying to protect her babies from the scary human.

Luckily, the kittens had a chance to be socialized and find their forever home. For mama cat Barbara, the plan was to keep her around her babies for as long as they needed nursing.

After that, they would spay and release her and find forever homes for the kittens. As Laura said in one of her posts:
“Our hope is that she will care for them on her own until they are about 5 weeks old, during which time I will spend progressively more and more time with the kittens to ensure they are social. Around 5 weeks of age mom can be spayed and released and the babies can be free in their room to enjoy the kitten life.”

Laura made a cozy den for them, where mama cat felt safe enough to care for her kittens. For the first four weeks of their life, Laura made sure to monitor their weight and overall health.
Except for some kitty diarrhea, the little furballs were growing and gaining weight. Just when they turned 4 weeks, Laura decided it was time to socialize them.

With their adorable names, Beauty, Bingo, Bango, and Bongo started spending a lot of time cuddling and playing with Laura.
By the time mama cat Barbara was spayed and released the kittens were a bunch of playful, active, and cuddly little fuzzballs.

Laura managed to turn them into 4 little social butterflies ready to find their forever homes. Although she knew she was going to miss their playfulness and energy, it was time to say goodbye and make space for new fosters in need.
Beauty, Bingo, Bango, and Bongo successfully found their forever homes. Despite their mama being feisty and feral, the adorable kittens turned into social little cuddle bugs, all thanks to Laura. As she said in an update post:
“They are so cuddly, playful, and gentle too. They love to explore and make fast friends with everyone they meet – furry, human, old, young… it doesn’t matter, they just love and feel comfortable with everyone.”
Well, talk about a successful foster story! Doesn’t this just warm your heart up? I’m grateful for Laura and all her efforts to save this adorable furry family!