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Terminally Ill Girl’s Wish To Spend Her Last Days With A Cat Leads To A Beautiful Ending

Terminally Ill Girl’s Wish To Spend Her Last Days With A Cat Leads To A Beautiful Ending

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Our feline friends are known for their ability to comfort humans in times of need. They make excellent emotional support pets, capable of bringing a smile even on the gloomiest of days and making life’s tough situations a bit more bearable.

Take, for example, a cat named Eliza who one day entered the life of a terminally ill girl named Kylie from Suwanee, Georgia, and comforted her in her final days. 

If you wish to find out under what circumstances did Kylie and Eliza actually meet, and what was this brave girl’s last wish regarding her beloved pet, keep on reading!

The Story About Smiley Kylie

happy family in the picture
Credit: Mutual Rescue

Let me tell you right now, Kylie Myers could not overcome her illness. Diagnosed with metastatic bone cancer at the age of 12, she passed away shortly afterward, leaving behind a heartbroken family. 

Her parents and siblings described her as a joyful presence, always smiling and eager to make those around her happy. 

They affectionately nicknamed her “Smiley Kylie” because her smile was so contagious and healing.

smiling sick girl with a colorful cap on her head
Credit: Mutual Rescue

Ever since she was a little girl, Kylie loved being on the stage; performing was her passion, and singing and dancing her greatest talent she nurtured every step of the way. 

In an interview for Mutual Rescue, her mother Robin said:

“She was a peacemaker. She was the glue that held our family together.”

And her sister added:

“Kylie always had a way of taking a hardship in life and finding joy in the midst of a terrible situation.”

The diagnosis of cancer came as a shock to everyone, but even during brutal treatment sessions, Kylie’s spirit remained unbroken. She remained positive and joyful, inspiring her family to do the same.

During her radiation treatment, she repeatedly asked her parents for a cat. As they already had four pets at home, her parents said no, promising to reconsider after she finished her treatments and returned home.

smiling sick girl in hospital
Credit: Mutual Rescue

Initially, radiation seemed to work wonders for Kylie; she began feeling better, started walking again, and even ate a little more. 

However, on the last day of her radiation treatment, all that progress went south when Kylie complained about severe shoulder pain. 

Subsequent scans revealed that the cancer had, sadly, spread throughout her entire body. 

It was devastating and nearly impossible for everyone to come to terms with the reality that they would soon lose their beloved Kylie…

When Kylie Met Eliza

a beautiful girl without hair
Credit: Mutual Rescue

When her parents finally brought her home, Kylie seized the opportunity to renew her request for a cat. 

Knowing they had to fulfill her last wish, her parents reached out to Angels Among Us Pet Rescue based in Georgia, asking if they had any cats available for their daughter.

Fortunately, they had the purrfect feline companion for Kylie: A kitten named Dolly, who despite a rough start in life, was a happy and healthy feline, waiting for her forever home. 

When Kylie’s parents learned that a cat was available, they asked the rescue if they could temporarily ‘borrow’ the kitty for their daughter until the inevitable came.

The shelter, empathizing with their situation, agreed and brought Dolly to them that very same day.

Kylie immediately fell in love with her new furry friend. She renamed her Eliza, or Liza for short, and the two instantly bonded.

Kylie and Eliza spent every second together. The only time they were separated was when Kylie’s parents administered her medication; during these moments, little Liza would visit her litter box or play with Kylie’s sisters. 

Otherwise, she was always curled up next to Kylie in bed, soothing her with purrs and coaxing smiles onto her tired face.

Their bond amazed Kylie’s mom, who observed with admiration how devoted Liza was to her daughter. She remarked:

“She was completely devoted to loving on Kylie. She had this purpose, and it was the most beautiful thing to see.” 

She also added:

“I’ve heard people describe animals like angels, coming in and loving and supporting someone in such an amazing way. And I never really understood what that meant until Liza met Kylie.”

As the inevitable approached and everyone braced for Kylie’s final moments, coping became increasingly difficult. With this in mind, Kylie expressed one last wish she hoped to see fulfilled…

One Wish For Days To Come

a cat on a sick girl's lap
Credit: Mutual Rescue

Apart from asking her dad – the first hero in every daughter’s life – to find the cure for childhood cancer, Kylie had a special request for her mom. 

With tears in her eyes, as she lay on her bed, Kylie expressed her last wish: For her mom to continue taking care of her baby kitten. 

Both Robin and Mark agreed to fulfill their daughter’s final wish and ended up adopting the cat that was initially meant to be with them only temporarily. 

What started as a ‘pet loan’ turned into a forever pet – a heartfelt homage to their beloved and joyful daughter who unfairly got dealt the worst set of cards at such a young age.

a woman lies and hugs a cat
Credit: Mutual Rescue

Even though they knew the day would inevitably come, when Kylie passed away, the entire family felt an indescribable pain. 

Eliza, sensing their grief, knew just what to do to help them cope. As Robin shared:

“I would start to cry, and Liza, from wherever she was in the house, would come and just curl up in my lap and just wait out the storm with me.”

She added:

“I never experienced a pet, particularly a cat, that is so in tune with what we need. Taking care of her and loving on her is a way that makes me know that I’m still doing something for Kylie.”

the family is sitting on the floor and playing with the cat
Credit: Mutual Rescue

Having Liza as part of the family helped Robin cope with the loss of her daughter in ways she never imagined possible. Liza made such a difference in their lives and brought so much joy – just like Kylie used to.

Robin noted that even though Kylie asked her to take care of Liza, it was almost as if she whispered to her cat to take care of her mom, too.

a woman exchanges caresses with a cat
Credit: Mutual Rescue

The memory of such a special girl needs to be cherished and preserved for years to come. 

I’m so glad that a tiny part of Kylie lives on through Eliza, the cat whose purpose has become to mend the broken hearts of the Myers family.

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