Try Not To Smile While Looking At These Grumpy But Adorable Maine Coon Kittens

grumpiest grey cat

This adorable litter of Maine Coon kittens was born with the grumpiest and at the same time cutest faces. 

The Maine Coon cat breed often stands out among other cat breeds, due to their size, majestic fur, amazing tails, and whatnot. However, this particular litter stands out because every kitten has a grumpy face!

I’m telling you, this is the cutest thing you’ll see today. 

These kittens have little grumpy noses, small eyes, and wrinkled faces that make them look like tiny old cartoon cats. Despite the grumpy faces, they’re all extremely adorable! Just take a look at them!

This cutie looks like he did not get a good night’s rest.

grumpy cat
Photo from: @catsvill_county

How can they be so grumpy and so cute at the same time?

cat in hands
Photo from: @catsvill_county

This cute little frown looks unbelievable. 

funny cats face
Photo from: @catsvill_county

This kitten looks like an old man trapped in a kitten’s body.

grumpy grey kitten
Photo from: @catsvill_county

I don’t know how, but the grumpier they look, the cuter they get!

Check out their Instagram profile for more cute, grumpy Maine Coon posts.

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