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Man Recreates Famous Movie Scenes With His Cats And The Results Are Hysterical

Man Recreates Famous Movie Scenes With His Cats And The Results Are Hysterical

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The Instagram account @moviecats is a hilarious project by two people named Sarah and David. Their creativity goes beyond the regular posts you see online every day. The project stars their two cats Tara and Willow, and it makes people all over the world laugh out loud!

They have recreated some of the most famous movie scenes as if they were filmed with cats in them. By posting their pics on Instagram, they’ve made millions of people laugh. Some of the pics are just too accurate! 

When I first saw their posts, I burst out laughing! I laughed today again as I was writing this, so I hope you’ll have a good chuckle as well! 

1. Dirty Dancing

Cat Did It Better

2. Indiana Jones?

But With Cats…

3. Wayne’s World

Or Cat’s World?

4. Casino Royale

More Like Catsino…

5. The Notebook

The Meowtbook

6. The Life Of Pi

The Life Of A… Burmese?

7. Lady And The Tramp

Lady And The Hooman

8. The Shining

The Meowing

9. Ghost

Cat Can’t Believe She’s Seeing Ghosts

10. Alien

The Real Alien

11. American Beauty

The True Beauty 

12. E.T.

Cat T.

I don’t know about you, but I’m cracking up! I hope you laughed at these photos too. I think some of them are even better than the originals, lol. How about you?

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