Chicago Woman Kayaks To Save A Cat Stranded On Desolate Island In The Saginaw River

When Elyssa Weber first came across a post about a stranded bob-tailed cat, she had no idea that her life was about to take an unexpected turn.
Scrolling through her social feed, Elyssa saw a picture of a cat stranded on a remote island in the middle of Michigan’s Saginaw River. The island was no bigger than a cluster of trees surrounded by water, barely enough space for a small animal to survive.

The cat had taken refuge inside a hollow tree. How he ended up there was a mystery – did someone abandon him? Or did he somehow brave the waters himself?
As soon as Elyssa saw the post, something clicked deep inside her. She wasn’t just curious about this cat’s fate, she felt a deep pull to help, sharing for local news:
“My heart just thumped a million miles an hour. I knew that I had to go out there.”

Elyssa, an experienced kayaker, didn’t hesitate. She climbed into her kayak and set off toward the island to save this desperate cat.
When she first arrived, the cat was understandably scared, and despite Elyssa’s gentle attempts, he managed to elude her.
But Elyssa wasn’t about to give up. She returned the next morning, this time prepared with live traps, hoping the cat would trust her enough to be caught. And sure enough, as the morning came, she spotted him again.

Thankfully, this time she managed to catch the elusive cat. Once he was on Elyssa’s kayak, they headed back to shore, as she shared:
“The next morning we went back to get the cat and kitty was there! So we strapped him to the front of the kayak and took him inland.”
Once ashore, the cat – now affectionately named Kayak after his adventurous rescue – was taken to the Humane Society of Bay County. There, the devoted rescue staff gave him the care and attention he needed.

Soon after, Kayak found a temporary home with a foster family, and his days of isolation were over.
Initially, he wasn’t too keen on humans. Who could blame him? After all, no one knew how long he had been fending for himself on that desolate island. Elyssa explained:
“He seems to be a stray or an unwanted cat. But now he is wanted and loved which is a great thing. That’s what matters most to me.”

Little by little, Kayak now realizes that everyone around him only wants to help. He starts to relax as he understands he’s now in a safe place where he is finally cherished, as Elyssa shared:
“He is very scared but he’s starting to warm up so I’m very happy about that.”
Elyssa, however, can’t stop wondering – what if there are more cats out there? After all, Kayak’s lonely existence suggests he might not be the only one.
So, with hope and compassion driving her, Elyssa has placed live traps with food on the island. She goes back to check on them regularly, ready to rescue any other animals who might still be waiting for their chance at a better life.