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Kitten Clings To An Old Tree Branch, Struggling To Stay Afloat After 19 Hours Of Heavy Rainfall

Kitten Clings To An Old Tree Branch, Struggling To Stay Afloat After 19 Hours Of Heavy Rainfall

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A couple of days ago, a kind man was on his way to a local park to survey the damage caused by the relentless rain. 

For days, the rain had poured non-stop, leaving him worried about the stray cats he fed, who had lost the only home they knew.

As he walked through his flooded neighborhood, he braced himself for the scene that awaited him. Upon arrival, the severity of the situation struck him. 

The park, once a lively playground filled with children’s laughter and the happy meows of strays, now resembled a swimming pool, overflowing with dirty water and scattered branches from the storm-damaged trees.

man holding a wet kitten
Source: YouTube

As he inspected the area, a couple of boys approached him, carrying a tiny black and white kitten. 

The man immediately recognized the little fluff – one of the kittens he had been feeding since they were newborns. 

He thanked the boys and took the soaked kitten, gently wrapping it in a warm blanket to dry off and keep warm. 

Before they left, he asked the boys if they had seen the kitten’s littermates, but unfortunately, they hadn’t.

scared little kitten
Source: YouTube

Refusing to feel discouraged, the kind man continued his search for the other two kittens, certain they were hiding somewhere in the park. 

After several minutes, he spotted the second kitten on a park bench, meowing desperately for help. 

He quickly reached the poor baby, who was shivering from the cold and placed him in the warm blanket next to his sibling.

kitten on a wood
Source: YouTube

Seconds later, he heard soft meows coming from nearby

Hoping they belonged to the third kitten he desperately wanted to find alive, the man followed the sound and soon discovered exactly what he was looking for. 

Behind the bench, in a muddy pond of rainwater, the third kitten clung to an old branch that had fallen from one of the park trees, desperately trying to stay afloat.

Who knows how low he clung to life, waiting for someone to rescue him?

The heaviest rainfall had lasted for 19 hours straight, and the tiny feline likely spent all that time holding onto that branch – his last lifeline. 

The man quickly scooped up the kitten, wrapping him in a warm blanket as well, praying he was still alright.

three kittens at vets
Source: YouTube

With all three kittens in his possession, the man took the little felines to the nearest vet clinic for a much-needed check-up. 

The kind vet thoroughly examined all three, informing the man that they were in great health. 

All they needed was a nice, warm bath and a hearty meal to regain their strength.

sweet black and white kitten
Source: YouTube

After the vet, the man decided to take the kittens home – as there was no point in returning them to the park. 

The park they knew was gone, and it would be a long time until it was restored. Hopefully, by then, the kittens would have found their forever homes. 

Until that time, they would enjoy all the comforts of their foster home, showering their rescuer with love in an attempt to thank him for saving them.

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