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Tiny Kitten Suffers Severe Brain Trauma And Disability After Being Stepped On

Tiny Kitten Suffers Severe Brain Trauma And Disability After Being Stepped On

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I recently saw an adorable video featuring a cat named Azim who goes hilariously wild whenever his mom sings the wrong song to him.

However, while the video starts with laughs, Azim’s story is much more touching and begins under truly heartbreaking circumstances. Let me tell you all about it.

Azim originally came from a loving home where he lived with his mother and siblings. Tragically, during one party, an accident happened – this poor kitten was stepped on, leading to severe brain trauma and disabilities.

black and white kitten
Source: YouTube

Overwhelmed by the sudden change and the challenges of caring for him, his owners decided to surrender him to a clinic. But the clinic, which was meant to be a place of hope, became a dark and lonely space for the little kitten.

One day, a kind woman spotted Azim at the clinic. He was placed in a small, shaking box, as she shared in a YouTube video:

“When I first laid eyes on him at first I thought it was just a little box shaking but when I looked inside I realized it was a kitten. His little body was shaking uncontrollably so much that he was shaking the box too.”

very cute black and white kitten
Source: YouTube

To her dismay, Azim was scheduled to be euthanized that very day. The poor thing was only 20 days old, and the vets had given up on him, preparing to end his suffering.

But the woman’s heart would not accept that outcome. The sight of him, trembling uncontrollably, filled her with compassion. She couldn’t bear the thought of letting him go without a fight.

She scooped him up, determined to give him a fighting chance. That’s how Azim found his forever home with this kind lady.

cat drinking water
Source: YouTube

The woman did everything she could to nurture Azim. She fed him drop by drop, carefully administering water and wet food.

Every tiny victory was met with tears of relief and hope. When the first bit of food went down his throat, his mom felt a surge of emotion, both for Azim and the journey ahead.

Yet, their journey was far from over. Each vet visit brought more grim news, and every seizure Azim suffered seemed to pull him closer to the edge. But despite everything, he fought with incredible strength and his mom refused to give up on him.

woman playing guitar near cat
Source: YouTube

She took him from clinic to clinic, facing the discouraging news with unyielding resolve. Back home, she sang him a special song – one that seemed to calm him and provide solace.

Azim responded to the melody with such peace. This seemed to have a magical effect on him and it became clear that this song was his anchor, as his mom shared:

“He was really sick when I got him and the only thing that comforted him was this one song I sang and he absolutely loved it and it almost sent him into a trance.”

cat and its owner
Source: YouTube

As months turned into years, Azim’s progress was slow but steady. His mom dedicated her life to caring for him, singing to him daily, and ensuring he felt loved.

The bond they shared was profound, built on trust and unwavering support, as Azim’s mom shared:

“I dedicated my entire life to him and other disabled cats singing to him and making sure he felt loved and safe every single day. I was his mom and he was my special little boy.”

blonde woman holding a cat
Source: YouTube

Three years later, Azim is thriving. Though he’s still partially disabled, he’s a happy feline surrounded by love.

His mom still sings him his favorite song, and now we’re back to the funny part. If his mom dares to stray from his beloved melody, Azim’s reaction is nothing short of spectacular.

As soon as he hears her singing the wrong song, he goes into full-on drama mode and it’s just hilarious!

cat singing
Source: YouTube

His eyes widen, his ears perk up, and he starts pawing at the air like he’s trying to swat the offending song away.

His mom then quickly switches back to the cherished melody and Azim instantly settles down.

With every familiar note, Azim finds comfort, and his mom finds joy. These little moments, filled with music and laughter, are the heart of their everyday life – a simple, sweet reminder that love truly makes all the difference!

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