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Watch This Kitten’s Hilarious Reaction Every Time Her Favorite Song Plays

Watch This Kitten’s Hilarious Reaction Every Time Her Favorite Song Plays

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Move aside, cats – there’s a new boss in town, and her name is Winnie. This cute little kitten isn’t satisfied with just playing with yarn and taking naps – oh no, Winnie’s got moves! 

Put on some music, and see this furry talent in action. Winnie’s small head starts swaying to the beat, her tail wiggles with excitement, and every so often, she adds in a playful paw tap for fun. 

kitty dancing on her song
Credit: YouTube

It’s captivating! It’s hypnotic! It’s like watching a tiny disco ball in the form of a cat.

Now, you might think all kittens like a good bop, but Winnie is quite picky. She enjoys all kinds of music, but her heart belongs to the funky beats. 

Play some techno or her favorite song, “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars, and Winnie turns into a dancing machine. 

a kitten at home
Credit: YouTube

She sways her little body and bobs her head (in the most adorable way!), and you can see the happiness shining through her whiskers. 

It’s impossible not to smile when you see Winnie busting a move. Her joy is so infectious that you can’t help but tap your foot, nod your head, and maybe even throw in a dance move of your own (don’t judge!).

And let’s be real, who wouldn’t love a dancing kitten to make them smile? Because we all need more happiness, and Winnie, the amazing dancing kitten, is here to spread it, one head bop at a time.

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