Two Kittens Help Their 29-Year-Old Foster Mom Recover After A Stroke

Imagine taking care of over 400 kittens, each with their own special traits and personalities.
For one woman, this wild but fulfilling adventure has been a big part of her life. However, everything changed when she had a stroke at just 29 years old.

The stroke turned her life upside down, making her learn how to walk and talk all over again.
It also put her fostering on hold for a while since she needed time to heal. But even during this tough period, she found comfort in the love of her furry companions.
Shortly after her stroke, she started fostering again with two little preemie kittens named Yeti and May.
Yet, she didn’t know that these two fluffy friends would completely transform her life and help her overcome her struggles.

As time went on, these adorable kittens helped bring some normalcy back into her life. They needed her care just as much as she needed their company.
This kind woman never intended to foster premature kittens because she didn’t know much about how to look after them.
However, taking care of Yeti and May gave her a renewed sense of purpose and helped her feel more like herself again.

It was a fulfilling experience that gave her something positive to focus on, allowing her to move past her struggles.
It filled her days with activities, and all she could think about were happy thoughts. But, she was also thankful for her friends and family, who supported her through this hard time.

Yeti and May were just the beginning of her journey with fostering. However, she continued to care for many more kittens, giving them the love and attention they needed to grow.

She was always discovering new things about fostering and improving her skills as a caregiver.
As it turns out, for this woman, fostering kittens was more than just a pastime; it was a way to help others and make a positive impact in the world. And isn’t it just amazing?