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Man Sets Up Night Vision Camera To See His Kittens, Only To Capture The Most Heartwarming Thing

Man Sets Up Night Vision Camera To See His Kittens, Only To Capture The Most Heartwarming Thing

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Chris Poole, a popular YouTuber famous for his funny cat videos, has recently won over his fans with some new furry pals. 

In his latest video, Chris told the touching story of four kittens he saved from an abandoned property. 

Although they looked super sleepy during the day, Chris was really interested in what they did at night. 

So, he decided to set up a night vision camera to see their nighttime adventures. He shared at the beginning of the video:

“Hello, cat people! I’ve got some pretty exciting news. We’re currently fostering four very cute kittens that we helped rescue from a nearby abandoned property. And as many of you know, kittens are very playful, active, and just fun to watch. So I’ve decided to set up my night vision camera and see what action I could capture. And I wasn’t disappointed!”

kitten on a camera
Credit: YouTube

And, well, the results were amazing! The footage showed that these kittens were anything but sleepy. 

When the lights went out, they turned into little bundles of energy, jumping, climbing, and exploring their space with tons of curiosity. 

One kitten even tried to lick the camera, while another showed off its awesome climbing skills on the cage bars.

kittens on a night vision camera
Credit: YouTube

I can totally imagine Chris cracking up while he watched those cute little kittens. He put a tiny cat pole in their area, and the kittens jumped right in, trying to climb it. 

Their silly moves were super funny! It felt like watching a tiny circus show! These kittens are way more flexible than any gymnast I know. 

They’re flipping, twisting, and jumping around with so much skill. It’s really impressive! But even though they’re so playful, these kittens are still feral. 

kittens recorded with a camera
Credit: YouTube

They’re getting used to being around people and really need a lot of love and care. Chris is really dedicated to helping them get better and find loving homes, as he mentioned:

“I’m sure you’ll agree that was some pretty funny stuff. These four cuties are still pretty feral. It’s going to take some time for them to get used to us big scary humans, but I’m confident that over time and with lots of TLC (tender loving care), they’ll learn to love us and we’ll get them ready to be adopted out into new forever homes!”

kitten playing
Credit: YouTube

So, if you want to have a good laugh and enjoy a touching story, you should definitely watch Chris’ video with those cute rescued kittens. It’s sure to make you smile!

Whether you’re a cat lover or simply someone who appreciates a good story, this video is sure to lift your spirits!

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