Matted Sheep Gets Her First Haircut After 5 Years Living On A Remote Hill, And It’s Unbelievable

old sheep

At Edgar’s Mission, Pam and her team spend their days giving farmed animals the love and care they deserve. The sanctuary is a safe haven for those who were forgotten, abandoned, or mistreated.

One day, Pam got a call about a sheep spotted on a remote hill. The poor thing was weighed down by so much wool it was a wonder she could even move.

If she weren’t rescued soon, she wouldn’t make it through the winter.

woman in forest
Source: YouTube

There was no way Pam could ignore that. She rounded up as many volunteers as she could, and together, they set off toward the mountain.

The climb was brutal. The terrain was rough, uneven, and unforgiving. Each step was a challenge, but the thought of the helpless sheep pushed them forward.

And then, at last, they saw her. She stood there, almost unrecognizable beneath the massive fleece.

unshaved sheep
Source: YouTube

Five years. That’s how long she’d been out there, all alone, somehow surviving.

But now, she was exhausted.  There was no way she could walk down on her own. They had to carry her.

A stretcher was their best option, but with the sheep weighing nearly 200 pounds because of all that wool, it was a huge challenge.

people holding a sheep
Source: YouTube

They took turns, moving carefully, step by step, as people moved branches aside to clear a path.

This rescue was pure determination, a real test of strength, and, most of all, teamwork at its best, as Pam shared in a YouTube video:

“It was just such an emotional moment because our team did what they do best and that’s coming together.”

big white sheep
Source: YouTube

By the time they got her to safety, everyone was exhausted. But they were relieved to finally have her off that mountain and into a place where she could get the care she desperately needed.

The sheep’s journey wasn’t done, though. In her eyes, the team saw something more than fear, as Pam shared:

“We see in her eyes there’s a being who desperately wants to live, who desperately wants to protect her body, who also has the capacity to learn to trust.”

unshaved senior sheep
Source: YouTube

She was feisty and wasn’t about to give up. She even tried to run, despite all that heavy wool weighing her down.

It was both heartbreaking and inspiring. This girl had survived on sheer resilience, and now, she was ready for her second chance.

The team then called in Greg, a kind-hearted shearer who knew exactly how to handle a case like this.

people shaving a sheep
Source: YouTube

Greg carefully worked through her thick fleece, making sure every movement was gentle and safe. After everything Victoria had been through, they weren’t going to let anything hurt her now.

As the wool came off, bit by bit, a whole new sheep started to appear. Each layer that came off revealed more of her true self.

By the end, she had shed a whopping fifty-five pounds of fleece. It was hard to believe it all came from one sheep.

shaved sheep
Source: YouTube

But the biggest change wasn’t just on the outside. Without all that heavy wool weighing her down, the sheep, now named Victoria, finally got to be herself.

As Pam watched her roam through her new home, lighter, freer, and finally safe, she knew this was why they do what they do.

Every animal deserves a chance to be loved, to find peace, and to live the life they were meant to.

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