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Rescuer Chases Down Stray Cat Caught Stealing A Kitten From A Mama Who Already Lost Too Much

Rescuer Chases Down Stray Cat Caught Stealing A Kitten From A Mama Who Already Lost Too Much

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A couple of days ago, while rescuing some stray kittens from a park flooded due to heavy rainfall, a kind man was approached by a couple of kids. 

The boys wanted to inform him about a local stray cat who had given birth and lost her home due to the recent rainstorms. 

Heartbroken by the news, the man decided to help and began searching for the poor mama and her babies.

kitten in bush
Source: YouTube

The boys led him to a nearby street, once home to a beloved stray cat they loved so much. 

The area was littered with fallen tree branches. Fortunately, within minutes, the man spotted the mama cat seeking shelter behind the leaves, with one of her kittens. 

Knowing that sanitation workers were already clearing the area of leaves and debris, he realized he had to act quickly to rescue her and her baby.

man holding a newborn kitten
Source: YouTube

It didn’t take long for the man to rescue the cat and her kitten from their makeshift shelter. The kitten was tiny and shivering from the cold but otherwise seemed fine. 

The boys had mentioned that the mama cat had several kittens, so naturally, the man was determined to rescue the entire litter. 

Fortunately, he soon spotted the mama cat darting away, carrying what appeared to be another kitten in her mouth.

white newborn kitten
Source: YouTube

Perceiving the man as a potential threat, the mama cat frantically searched for a place to hide her kitten. 

However, the kind man managed to reach her and, through a gentle demeanor and calm gestures, successfully gained her trust. 

After gently scooping up the second kitten, he placed it in a warm blanket with its sibling, pleased to have reunited the family. 

Yet, he soon noticed the mother cat running away again, which he interpreted as a sign that she might be on her way to retrieve a third kitten.

ginger mother cat
Source: YouTube

After a few minutes, the man spotted the mama cat in front of a local marriage hall, peering anxiously inside.

It looked as though she was distressed about something behind the doors, so the man asked one of the guards to let them inside for a closer look.

As soon as the doors opened, he saw another stray cat with a tiny kitten in its mouth. When the cat saw them, it bolted, and the mama cat stayed behind, crying in despair. 

Interpreting this as a sign that the unknown cat had taken mama’s third kitten, the man gave chase, but the cat was too fast. 

Fortunately, a quick move by the guard startled the cat, causing it to drop the kitten before fleeing.

newborn black and white kitten
Source: YouTube

The poor kitten had minor bite marks on its tiny body, which didn’t seem too severe. However, the man knew he needed to rush them all to the vet to ensure they were okay. 

As he headed toward the vet, he was drawn to a meowing sound coming from nearby. Investigating, he found a fourth kitten crying for its mother. 

Locals confirmed that this kitten was part of the same litter he had rescued earlier. 

Relieved to have reunited the entire feline family, he immediately took them to the vet for a much-needed check-up

woman holding a newborn kitten
Source: YouTube

The vet thoroughly examined all five felines, confirming they were all healthy. 

He paid close attention to the wounds of the kitten bitten by the stray cat but assured the man that the wounds would heal quickly. 

After visiting the vet, the man took the little family home, determined to give them a much better life than they had on the street.

mother cat feeding a kittens
Source: YouTube

It took some time for the mom cat to acclimate to the other foster cats in the man’s home, but once she adjusted, she blossomed into an extremely friendly and loving kitty. 

Most importantly, she now had a safe place to raise her precious babies. She ensured they were always groomed, nursed, and showered with love, helping them forget their rough street life. 

I hope these adorable felines find their forever home—ideally, all together, as an adorable happy family!

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