Woman On Campus Discovers The Cutest Little Squeaky Creature Hiding In The Bushes

woman discovers kitten in campus

While a woman was exploring a college campus during her daughter’s lacrosse tournament, she heard something that immediately caught her attention: tiny cries for help coming from somewhere on campus.

Curious, she decided to make a TikTok video and went to check it out.

bushes in campus
Credit: TikTok

After following the sounds for a while, she found a feisty little orange kitten hiding in a bush. 

Even though the kitten was crying for help, she got scared when she saw the woman and tried to escape. She continued:

“You’re awfully loud. Do you want to come here? Do you want to be rescued?”

However, the kitten was a bit tricky when it came to trust. After the woman tried to chat with her but got no response, she thought of a clever idea. She grabbed a cookie and sat close by to help the kitten feel more comfortable. 

At first, the kitten would dash away whenever the mom reached out, but after about 45 minutes, she finally decided to come closer. 

cat spotted behind the tree
Credit: TikTok

Once the kitten felt safe enough, the woman and her daughter went to Walmart to pick up some food and a pet carrier for their new little buddy. 

But, the kitten was not thrilled about the carrier and kept doing what she did best: making a lot of noise, as the kind woman mentioned in her video:

“She’s very needy.”

cat outdoors lost
Credit: TikTok

Initially, this kind woman and her family have been taking care of cats through St. Louis Pet Rescue for a few years, so when she found this kitten, she couldn’t leave her alone and decided to bring her home. 

She named her Mimosa and welcomed her into her little group of cats. Nobody knows where Mimosa came from or how she ended up on the college campus, but luckily, her loud meows helped her get rescued. 

Now, she’s in a caring foster home and is expected to find a permanent family soon. Thanks to the mom’s quick actions and the help from St. Louis Pet Rescue, Mimosa is safe and surrounded by love. See, there’s always a chance for a better future!

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