Stray Cats Discover The Joy Of Drain Pipe Holes, And It’s Adorable!

Who says that cats don’t know how to have fun? Every devoted cat enthusiast knows that’s basically all they want! Okay, except for food… and maybe cuddles, too, haha.
My cats for example can never be bored; those little furry rascals always find something entertaining to do around our home.
However, that’s likely because they have each other and plenty of cat toys to have fun with.
But what about stray cats? How do they have fun or are they only thinking about survival? Well, brace yourselves my friends because you’re about to find out!

If you think life on the streets leaves no room for joy, think again! This playful fluff is living proof that stray cats can find moments of pure fun, even in tough circumstances.
It’s both heartwarming and hilarious – especially since it’s not every day you see a stray cat letting loose and enjoying life.
These stray cats are having the time of their lives simply by playing with drain pipe holes.

How adorable is that, right? The famous photographer Nyan Kichi is the one who discovered these adorable kitties.
He’s popular on Instagram for all different kinds of cat photos, but one of his most popular works is of these stray cats playing with drain pipe holes.

It looks like Kichi visits these felines fairly often because whenever he shows up, these cats gather around for a little show.
They start jumping and squeezing in and out of the drain pipe holes. If these photos are this adorable, I can’t imagine how amazing it is to actually see these joyful fluffs in person?!

When you look at these pictures, you can’t believe them, right? It looks like these cats are having the best time of their lives!

The main reason why these cats are so fascinating is because you don’t see stray cats playing and entertaining each other often, especially not like this.

Still, these cats seem happy to show their amazing abilities, such as jumping or even leaping through the air, especially when Kichi shows up. It is as though they know he’s going to take some paw-esome pictures of them.

These poor cats don’t have toys to play with like most of our pet cats do, but that doesn’t stop them from having so much fun.

The cats decided to take things into their own paws, so they made the whole street into their own playground, and it seems like no toy could compare with how much joy it has brought them.

Seeing these kitties having fun on the street just made me think how my cats aren’t always thankful for everything they have, haha.

Apparently, these cats chose positivity. Simple living is their thing and they’re definitely living the fun life.
If you liked this article, then here’s another that can make you laugh: This Cat Rolls Down The Stairs 5 Times A Day