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Woman Rescues A Tiny Kitten From A Dumpster, Then Gets Shocked By What He Grows Into

Woman Rescues A Tiny Kitten From A Dumpster, Then Gets Shocked By What He Grows Into

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Linda was always known in her neighborhood as a cat lover. Even once she married and moved across the city, the new neighborhood quickly learned about her soft spot for cats.

tiny kittens abandoned outdoors
Credit: YouTube

This is why a local shop owner called her once he found a litter of newborn kittens in a dumpster behind his store. 

The man was devastated by the sight, but he never cared for such small kittens. He knew someone experienced should take them in, this is why Linda crossed his mind. 

tiny kitten on the couch
Credit: YouTube

He immediately phoned her, and just minutes later, Linda showed up. She scooped up the litter and rushed the kittens to the vet. 

Sadly, only one of the three kittens made it. His two brothers lost the fight, and Linda was heartbroken. 

newborn kitten on blanket
Credit: YouTube

However, she knew she had to do everything she could to help the remaining kitten. She named him Samir and couldn’t believe how small he was. As she said in a video:

“Samir is smaller than a feeding bottle, but he’s the biggest boss.”

Although he was tiny and malnourished, Samir seemed healthy. The vet advised Linda to bottle feed him every two hours and keep track of his weight. 

kitten wrapped into the blanket eating milk bottle
Credit: YouTube

To Linda’s surprise, this tiny fluffball had the personality of a lion! Whenever he wanted milk or cuddles, he would meow and ‘roar’ at Linda for attention. 

There were times when Linda would go to check on him in his cozy den and she wouldn’t find him there. Then she would hear the tiniest little paws marching on her floors like he owned the place!

cute kitten on white sheets in bed
Credit: YouTube

Linda feared every day that he wouldn’t make it, but little Samir kept surprising her. Although he could fit in the palm of her hand he was full of energy and he had a strong will to survive. As Linda also shared: 

“He’s got so much energy and sass to him. He loves nothing more than sparring with my hands. And once he gets bored he switches to his ‘hunter mode’.”

tiny kitten on the carpet
Credit: YouTube

Now, you can only imagine how much Linda bonded with little Samir. What was supposed to be a foster journey slowly turned into a forever journey. 

Samir stole Linda’s and her husband’s hearts and turned them into his forever humans! Although he still is tiny, Samir remains a lion at heart! 

Make sure to watch his journey right here!

Also, if you enjoyed reading this heartwarming story, make sure to follow Happy Whisker for more amazing tales that will warm your heart.

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