Although heartlessly abandoned, this newborn kitten had enormous luck to have been abandoned at the doorstep of a compassionate couple who couldn’t ignore her plight.

When the couple found the tiny, almost lifeless, newborn kitten at their doorstep, they were shocked. They knew they had to act quickly, but were anxious since they had never cared for such a young kitten before.
The couple knew the best thing to do was to rush the tiny kitten to the vet, but sadly, everything was against them. The vet clinic was closed that day, leaving them to wait in despair.

They named the kitten Penny and took her home to care for her until she could receive proper medical attention.
Despite their lack of experience, the couple did everything they could to keep Penny alive until the following morning.

The poor furry soul was in a dire state; her eyes were shut and covered in blood, along with her mouth. On top of everything, she had some serious breathing difficulties.
Despite Penny’s condition, the couple refused to give up on her. They gently bathed her, warmed her up, and even managed to hydrate her using a syringe.

Even though the compassionate couple worried about each one of their steps, any help was better than none. That night, they went to get some sleep, hoping for the best.

The next morning, the couple felt relieved to see Penny alive, however, she still required professional help. They rushed her to the vet but didn’t receive the encouraging news.
The vet confirmed Penny was in severely bad shape. He assumed she had been hit by something, causing injuries to her mouth and eyes.

Despite the bad news, the couple already grew attached to Penny and refused to stop hoping. They took Penny under their wing and continued providing her with round-the-clock care.
After a week, Penny improved significantly, and even opened her eyes, bringing tears of joy to her carers. While that was a good sign, Penny still had a long journey ahead of her.

The couple continued to nurture Penny, and she grew bigger and stronger every day. Over time, her mouth injuries healed, but they also left her with a permanent quirky smile.
Despite losing her upper teeth due to an injury, Penny had an amazing appetite, which helped her progress rapidly.

After everything they had been through, the couple decided to keep Penny as a part of their family. They already had a cat named Edin who quickly bonded with Penny and the two of them became inseparable.
Despite a rocky start in life, Penny defied all odds thanks to her devoted human friends. Now, she’s living the best life, and her sweet, quirky smile confirms everything.
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