If you’ve ever thought that cats don’t have emotions and can’t cry, this short video will make you think again!
In the video, a British Shorthair cat breaks down in tears upon hearing the owner’s voice through the camera. It’s both unbelievable and heartbreaking at the same time.
The owner talks to her cat, who responds with soft meows and with tears in her eyes.
Trust me when I tell you, the video will undoubtedly break your heart! You will never want to leave your own feline companion home alone again!

Several kind people wrote the translation of what the owner said in the comments of the YouTube video. One person (@itz_kiki5630) wrote:
As a Chinese, here’s a translation: “Did you miss me Fufu? After a few days, I’ll come back.” I think the cat might have separation anxiety.
Many viewers found themselves crying while watching the video, and I must admit that despite my efforts, I couldn’t hold back my tears either…
Who can blame us, honestly? The kitty in the video is beyond adorable, and I would give the world to wipe away her tears!
So, What Really Happened?

It seems that the owner had to go somewhere for a few days, leaving the cat in someone else’s care.
Apparently, the cat is deeply attached to her, which resulted in behavior commonly associated with separation anxiety.
The following study shows that cats living with humans develop similar attachment styles to pet parents, similar to dogs and children.
Before we continue, here is the video I’ve been talking about. I hope you have your tissues prepared:
If you want to learn more about separation anxiety in cats, keep reading to find out!
Signs Of Separation Anxiety In Cats

• Excessive vocalization such as crying, loud meowing, yowling, etc.
• Excessive grooming – a behavior more common in female cats.
• Seeking constant attention and contact when they’re with their owners (hyper-attachment).
• Peeing outside the litter box.
• Loss of appetite.
• Destroying things in the environment – a behavior more common in male cats.
• Pooping outside the litter box.
How To Prevent Separation Anxiety In Cats?

• Avoid leaving your cat alone for extended periods.
• Get another pet or cat to keep your first cat company.
• Engage your cat in regular exercise to help them relax and reward good behavior.
• Ignore attention-seeking behaviors whenever possible in order to encourage the cat’s independence.
• Provide your cat with different toys and activities that will keep it both mentally and physically active and occupied.
• You can also consult with your vet, and they may prescribe certain medications to reduce the cat’s stress and anxiety.

Remember that every cat is different and unique; some may be extremely independent, and some may be excessively attached to their owners, just like the cat from the video.
While the video tugs at our heartstrings, it’s important to recognize that anxiety in cats is a serious issue that should be addressed.
Additionally, cats may cry for other reasons as well, and you can learn more about it in the article – Do Cats Cry And When? What It Means When Your Cat Cries.
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