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Man Hears Tiny Screams From A Tall Tree Sparking A Heart-Stopping Rescue In Long Island

Man Hears Tiny Screams From A Tall Tree Sparking A Heart-Stopping Rescue In Long Island

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John Debacker recently posted a video that took the internet by storm. He is a well-known cat rescuer who goes above and beyond to save our precious feline friends. 

People usually call him up once they face a challenging situation they can’t handle by themselves, like saving a kitten from a wall.

ladder on a tree
Credit: Facebook

Such was the case with the kitten from today’s story, who ended up in a dreadful situation and his desperate screams alarmed the neighbor next door.

The man rushed outside once he heard the kittens cry for help, but he couldn’t find him anywhere. This is when he realized the desperate meows were coming from above and knew he needed professional help.

kitten stuck on a tree
Credit: Facebook

Stranded more than 40 feet up, on top of a tree, the tiny kitten was frozen with fear. How the little fellow ended up there was uncertain, especially considering he was not older than three months.

John Debacker answered the man’s plea for help and came over ready to help the kitten. 

hand catching the falling kitten
Credit: Facebook

However, once he placed the ladder he realized they were too short. The kitten was still out of his reach even though he climbed up the ladder. 

He brought some kitten food all the way up with him, hoping the tiny kitten would jump once he smelled the tuna. But the poor thing was so frozen with fear, so John had to encourage the tiny thing. 

photo of rescued kitten
Credit: Facebook

He kept calling him over in a sweet voice, telling him everything would be all right. The kitten was afraid to jump into John’s arms and I can understand why. There were still 17 feet between John and the kitten, and the tiny thing needed to build up some courage. 

hand holding the kitten
Credit: Facebook

John’s encouraging and sweet words finally did the trick. In just a matter of seconds, the kitten jumped straight into his hand!

He was relieved and so were the neighbors who gathered around the tree. The kitten was finally safe, adorably tucked inside John’s sweater. 

John made sure to find him a loving foster home until his forever parents showed up! He is such a hero, am I right?

I’m so grateful he managed to give this adorable kitten a second opportunity at life and hopefully, the kitten steers away from tall trees! 

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