Virginia Resident Sees A Metal Crate Buried In Snow And Finds 12 Lives On The Brink Of Freezing

abandoned dogs in snow

The small town of Campbell County, Virginia, was covered in 14 inches of snow. 

To most, it was just another inconvenience, but for 12 vulnerable lives, that thick layer of snow was the difference between hope and despair.

And while people were bundled up indoors, these little souls were fighting for survival. Fortunately, someone happened to notice them. Let’s hear all about it.

A passerby noticed something unusual poking out from a mound of snow. It was a metal crate, half buried in the snow and completely out of place.

With no homes in sight, it seemed like a sign something was wrong.

abandoned kittens on snow
Source: Facebook

The passerby cautiously approached and was horrified to discover cats and kittens, 12 in total, huddled inside the crate, shivering uncontrollably in the freezing cold.

Melissa Labryer, an animal control officer, rushed to the scene. 

When she arrived, her heart sank, especially when she saw the kittens, who were no more than five or six weeks old.

They looked so small and frail against the stark white snow and their bodies were cold and unmoving.

She quickly gathered up the freezing animals and carefully placed them into dry carriers before heading straight to Friends of Campbell County Animal Control.

black kitten in blanket
Source: Facebook

The situation was dire. Melissa called for help, urgently asking volunteers to meet her at the shelter.

As she explained the severity of the situation, it became clear just how crucial every second was.

The volunteers sprang into action, quickly gathering towels and getting ready to warm the cats. 

Within moments, they had a makeshift triage area set up, and the first step was to dry the cats off as quickly as possible.

But the little kittens were the most fragile. Weighing less than a pound each, they were drenched, freezing, and struggling to breathe.

women holding a kittens
Source: Facebook

The volunteers carefully placed them close to their skin, using hot water bottles to help regulate their temperatures. Slowly, the tiniest signs of life began to emerge.

Thanks to the quick and caring actions of Labryer and the volunteers, all 12 cats began to recover. They started to dry off, and their shivering stopped.

Before long, the cats were enjoying the affection they had longed for, as Barbe Shackelford, the shelter’s director, shared in an interview:

“All the cats were purring and enjoying attention by the time we had cleaned up and were ready to leave.”

two gray kittens
Source: Facebook

It was a miracle they’d made it through the night. While one kitten of the group, now known as ‘the frozen 12,’ has already found a loving home, the three others are ready to start their new lives too.

The kittens, however, are still on a long road to recovery. They’re eating well and gaining strength.

But the smallest of them, a black fluff ball, continues to struggle, as Shackelford explained:

“The tiniest one, the little black one with such expressive eyes, had a setback, and is very fragile. [He] will need TLC for some time before we feel confident he will survive his ordeal.”

four cute kittens
Source: Facebook

Once the kittens are strong enough, they will be ready to find families of their own, where they will never have to face the cold again.

It’s stories like these that show how important it is to step in when we see an animal in need. 

In a world where so many animals are left to fend for themselves, it only takes one person to step forward and make a difference.

Thanks to the quick thinking and compassion of the rescuers, 12 precious lives were pulled from the brink of tragedy.

Now, instead of being lost to the cold, they have a second chance at the warmth, love, and future they deserve.

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