Woman Chooses Hope Over Euthanasia, Transforming Paralyzed Cat’s Life Against All Odds

Woman Finds A Paralyzed Cat

Simba’s story began on a quiet beach, where a kind-hearted woman was feeding a group of stray cats. While she was busy helping the mother cat and her kittens, she noticed something unusual. A small kitten crawling on the sand. 

That little cat was Simba. The woman quickly ran over, hoping to understand why he was struggling to move.

She had never seen a paralyzed cat before so she didn’t understand it right away, but Simba needed help and this woman was his only hope. 

Since she didn’t have a cat cage, the woman put Simba in her cloth bag and their journey to recovery began.

The Road To Recovery Begins

Paralyzed Cat is sitting in a box
Credit: Facebook

The woman took Simba to three different vets. All of them informed her that he had likely been attacked by another animal or possibly abused by a human. The trauma had caused a spinal cord fracture, which was the reason Simba couldn’t walk.

At that moment, Simba’s rescuer discovered that his hind legs were paralyzed. The first vet suggested euthanasia, but the woman refused to consider it.

She was determined to help Simba, so she immediately began researching alternative ways to support and rehabilitate the injured kitten.

a woman kisses a cat
Credit: Facebook

In addition to his paralysis, Simba faced several other health issues. He suffered from a UTI and increased inflammation, which caused him to urinate blood. 

Simba could only eat a special kitten formula and had difficulty holding anything in. Despite these challenges, his rescuer did not give up.

She helped him adjust to wearing diapers and assisted him in emptying his bladder three times a day.

the cat is receiving an infusion
Credit: Facebook

The woman admits that it has been a difficult learning experience, especially with conflicting advice from three different vets.

She dedicated herself to extensive research, watching videos, and reading countless articles about feline paralysis to better educate herself. 

paralyzed cat with pempas
Credit: Facebook

For a long time, Simba was on cortisone treatment, which, while helping him, also harmed his kidneys. 

That’s when the woman realized that Simba’s quality of life was more important than his ability to walk. She discussed this with the vets, and they agreed to stop the cortisone treatment.

Simba Turns A New Page

paralyzed cat on the laminate
Credit: Facebook

Now, Simba is doing a lot better. He still gets sick from time to time because his digestive system isn’t like any other cat’s, but his human is doing everything she can to provide him with a life worth living.

Simba’s strength and bravery, combined with his mommy’s help, have been key to their success. Having another rescue cat around also helps him enjoy his days in his new home.

two cats are lying next to each other
Credit: Facebook

After overcoming all those troubles, Simba is finally happy and well-adjusted to his life after nine long months. He loves riding in his wheelchair, and his human loves taking care of him.

It is a great responsibility, but she wouldn’t change it for anything! As she says in the video:

“I love him so much. He gives me courage, he teaches me to be happy, he’s my little lion.”

a cat with a wheelchair
Credit: Facebook

I bet he does! Cats are not like us, they adapt more easily and know how to love and be happy without great expectations. Thanks to this amazing woman, Simba got a new chance at life, just as he deserves. 

Every cat should be given the opportunity to start anew and enjoy their life. Simba’s tiny body has endured so much, but he never gave up. With his owner’s help, they have overcome all odds.

“His little heart endured pain like a lion.”

They still have a long way to go, but I believe they will continue to fight and overcome whatever life throws at them!

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