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16 Photos Proving Cats Are Hooligans And Their Main Goal Is To Make Our Lives Difficult

16 Photos Proving Cats Are Hooligans And Their Main Goal Is To Make Our Lives Difficult

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Is your cat trained and well-behaved or a little feline hooligan? 

Sometimes our cats get in their “zoomies” phase and stay there. My Mikey often goes nuts and won’t stop torturing me with his shenanigans. You know those days when everything is just overwhelming and you’re in a rush.

You’re late for work, things are falling out of your hands and then there’s your cat, blocking the way. Or scratching your feet, or perching on top of your black jacket… Ugh, cats are adorable but sometimes, I tell ya, they can be real hooligans!

1. See what I mean?

I mean it’s not black, it won’t be that visibly covered in cat hair, but still. The guy just wants his PJs…

cat sleeping on a trousers
Source: Reddit

Someone commented on this photo saying: “Cats need comfy PJs too.” 

2. Your food is never safe….

“My cat keeps thawing my food while I’m in class”

cat hooligan
Source: Reddit

3. Neither are your drinks…

“And this is why I avoid leaving or using open coupons in my place. Also my other cat tipped this same cup of water over as I was making this post.”

cat drinking from a cup
Source: Reddit

4. Back off, hooman!

Cats be like that sometimes… Slapping us for no reason.

cat slapping owner
Source: Reddit

5. “This a**hole stole my last piece of leftover turkey”

black cat laying down
Source: Reddit

6. Well, at this point, it’s more of the owner’s fault…

“Literally any freaking glass on the table ever – this one was done right in front of me”

Well, why leave it then? Learn from your mistakes! Lol.

cat breaking glasses
Source: Reddit

7. Chip thief!

cat and stolen chips
Source: Reddit

8. Timber: Lover of clean counters

“Our cat Timber hates eggs on the counter…”

cat and broken eggs
Source: Reddit

9. Nothin’ to see here, move along!

cat and broken plant pot
Source: Reddit

10. Hey dad, look what we’ve made

Oh boy… this might be the only time this owner was not happy to see his cats…

“They were happy to see me come back, but I wasn’t happy to see what they did.”

cat and torn pillow
Source: Reddit

11. I just came in, is something wrong with your TV?

cat and broken TV
Source: Reddit

12. He may have destroyed your blinders, but look how cute he is!!!

cat destroying blinders
Source: Reddit

13. What?! The plants are alive!!!

The cat’s like: “I’ve never seen this pot or this plant in my entire life.”

cat and destroyed pot
Source: Reddit

14. Rocky the pull cord destroyer

cat sitting on a window
Source: Reddit

15. An absolute menace!

“She figured out that if she lays on the back pillow, it falls down and pins me. Now she does it a few times a day.”

black hooligan cat
Source: Reddit

16. Enough puzzling for you today!

cat destroying puzzles
Source: Reddit

Speaking of feline hooligans… Let’s not forget about the man who thought he had breathing issues or even sleep apnea, but actually his cat was causing his “breathing problems”.

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