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18-Year-Old Cat Left At South Carolina Shelter With A Heartbreaking Note

18-Year-Old Cat Left At South Carolina Shelter With A Heartbreaking Note

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Many people decide to leave their pets at shelters when they can no longer care for them. While this is more humane than abandoning them on the streets, it’s still challenging for the animals to adjust to a new life.

Such fate awaited Tori, an 18-year-old cat, when her family decided to leave her at a South Carolina shelter.

Shelter staff at the Kershaw County Humane Society were shocked to discover Tori in a crate at their door. 

However, what shocked them even more was a heartbreaking note that was attached to the crate, saying:

The shelter welcomed Tori with open arms, determined to find her a new loving home she so rightfully deserved. They shared a post about Tori on Facebook, saying:

“She is very sweet and just like every other animal in this shelter we will do everything we can to help her. But being a shelter we can only do so much. We are hopeful that someone will step up to help this baby.”

Even though Tori was a senior feline, the shelter hoped only for the best. They instantly provided her with a thorough examination and, besides her ingrown nails, she proved to be in good health.

The vets removed three embedded nails from her paw and she instantly blossomed. After receiving the care she needed, Tori was finally ready for the next step, and thanks to the shelter’s Facebook post, many showed interest in adopting her.

It didn’t take long for Tori to capture someone’s heart. A man named Dan saw Tori and it was simply a love at first sight. One morning, he arrived at the shelter and offered her a second chance at life.

Tori perfectly adjusted to her new home, and she even used the litter box on her own without any issues. She was very happy and relaxed to have a home and someone to love her.

Later, Tori’s humans discovered the possible reason for her previously inappropriate elimination. Laura Beyer, her human, shared in an interview:

“We ended up treating her for UTI using doxycycline even though nothing showed on her cultures. Once we put her through the course of antibiotics the inappropriate elimination stopped.”

Thankfully, Tori is now a healthy feline who’s thriving in her new home next to loving humans. She has a beautiful life, one she could never imagine, especially after being left at the shelter by her previous owners.

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