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Woman Battles Shelter Over Plans To Euthanize Adorable Little Kitten

Woman Battles Shelter Over Plans To Euthanize Adorable Little Kitten

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Loki was a little kitten who had a tough start in life. He was found in a hoarder’s house, suffering from a bad upper respiratory infection, conjunctivitis, and feline pneumonia. 

At only five weeks old, his future looked pretty grim. But Jessica McLain, a dedicated worker at the Nebraska Humane Society, was determined to help him.

When Jessica first laid eyes on Loki, she was captivated by his lively spirit. Even though he was sick, he was still vocal and full of energy. 

Once she learned that he was about to be put down, she couldn’t let that happen and decided to take him home to care for him.

With a lot of love and attention, Jessica helped Loki get better. It wasn’t easy, and there were many challenges along the way, but she never lost hope. She spent many hours making sure he had everything he needed to heal.

shelter kitten
Credit: Jessica McLain

Eventually, Loki started to feel better, but he did have some lasting issues. He was missing his bottom canine teeth and had a lazy eye. Still, these things didn’t stop him from being a playful and loving kitten.

By the time he turned one, Loki was a happy and healthy cat. But what really made Jessica feel warm inside was seeing how Loki and her son, who has autism, became best buddies. Their special bond was something truly amazing.

I think Jessica’s choice to save Loki was a truly kind act. Her dedication to his care gave him a new chance at life. 

I’m just glad she’s one of those people who believe that every animal deserves a shot at happiness, no matter what challenges they face.

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