Irish Wolfhound Takes On The Role Of An Unexpected Big Sister To An Orphaned Kitten

dog and kitten

It can be pretty scary, right? Bringing a tiny new kitten into a house with other pets might seem like a recipe for disaster, especially when one of those pets could accidentally step on the little furball without even realizing it. 

You find yourself holding your breath, wishing for everything to go smoothly, but maybe secretly preparing for some hissing or a wild chase like in a cartoon. And if that other pet is the size of a small pony? Let’s just say my stress levels would be sky-high!

But then, there are heartwarming stories that completely change how we think. And, this is one of those stories. 

dog and kitten
Source: TikTok

Picture this: you bring home a tiny, orphaned kitten, so small you could easily hold it in one hand, and you introduce it to an Irish Wolfhound. 

Yes, you heard that right – an Irish Wolfhound! These amazing dogs are known for their huge size – they’re like gentle giants among dogs. 

At first, the idea of such a big dog being around something so small might make you a little nervous. However, in this case, we have an amazing Irish Wolfhound named Chicken, which is such a funny and ironic name! 

tiny kitten and dog
Source: TikTok

Surprisingly, she has turned out to be the best big sister ever. The moment Chicken saw the little kitten, it was like something clicked inside her. 

She didn’t care about their size difference or any worries about safety. It was love at first sight! This huge, fluffy dog looked at the tiny kitten and thought, “This is my baby now.” And she has done a fantastic job of being that loving big sister.

When the kitten first met Chicken, the giant dog just sat there patiently while the little one explored her. Can you imagine that? A tiny cat bravely sniffing around a massive ball of fur, and Chicken just letting it happen with the kindest look in her eyes. 

gray kitten and dog
Source: TikTok

Since Chicken is said to be “a mile long,” that little sniffing adventure must have taken quite a while, but I bet it’s such a heartwarming image!

But Chicken’s role as a big sister doesn’t end at home. She has an important job outside of being a great sibling, too. She volunteers at the MSPCA-Angell in Massachusetts, helping puppies feel comfortable in their new environment. 

These little pups, who might be scared in the shelter, get to spend time with this calm and gentle giant. Chicken takes them for walks, providing comfort, and sometimes even snuggles with them. 

dog and kitten laying together
Source: TikTok

It’s like she’s a professional comforter! If you’re lucky enough to visit the MSPCA-Angell, you might see her doing her amazing work.

Turns out, it was actually through the MSPCA-Angell that this orphaned kitten came into Chicken’s life. The shelter staff recognized her sweet and gentle personality, so they thought she would be the ideal temporary caregiver. 

They were completely right! It’s really touching to see how much trust they had in Chicken and how she has gone above and beyond what they expected.

kitten climbing on dog
Source: TikTok

We often underestimate how well animals can connect with each other and show kindness, even between different species. 

Life in a shelter can be really hard for any dog, especially for young puppies who might miss out on important social skills and good habits. That’s where dogs like Chicken step in, helping these shy pups learn and grow.

And honestly, a story like this is exactly the kind of heartwarming story we all need every now and then. It makes you think about what other surprising friendships might be out there just waiting to be found!


That time we brought a kitten home and nothing has ever been cuter💙

♬ original sound – Ginormous Chicken

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