Poor Cat Was Found With A Heartbreaking Note On Her Neck But Then Something Amazing Happened

cat and letter

Sometimes, tough times lead to heartbreaking choices, like leaving a pet behind.

A poor kitty was found with nothing but a cage and a heartbreaking note, yearning for someone to “love her more”.

Upon receiving the call, a local shelter took immediate action. Their rescue team brought in the abandoned cat under their care.

adorable cat in a cage
Source: Facebook

When the shelter staff released this desperate kitty from the cage, they saw how frightened she was. However, they also noticed she had a note wrapped around her neck and their hearts sank after they read it.

The note said her owner couldn’t keep her anymore. It further explained that Lilo was a one-year-old indoor kitty with the sweetest personality.

It also described her friendly and independent nature, saying how she loved treats and cuddling up in blankets, especially sleeping on the end of the bed at night.

Yet, within these warm words, one sorrowful line echoed deeply: “My mommy hopes someone will love me more.

Lilo’s Story Of Hope

Source: Facebook

It was clear Lilo had a strong bond with her owner. Who knows what made this woman leave her pet behind?

Maybe she faced some tough times and had no other choice. After all, we can’t truly know what goes on in someone’s heart and home.

Touched by her sad plight, the shelter shared Lilo’s story on their Facebook page, hoping to secure her the loving home she deserved.

The note helped them find a caring foster home that would feel like her old one. Even though she was scared at first, Lilo soon warmed up to her foster mom and others around her.

As time went on, her sadness started to fade away, replaced by a newfound sense of safety she longed for. Eventually, she flourished in her new home, thriving more and more with each passing day.

A New Beginning For Lilo

cat laying in cat bed
Source: Facebook

Lilo’s story took a happy turn when a perfect family reached out, eager to adopt her. It was a moment of pure joy for everyone!

Her devoted caregivers at the shelter and her foster family were so happy, knowing she found kind-hearted owners who would give her all the love she needed.

From timid and shy to confident and affectionate, Lilo has flourished under their care. And now, when she was ready to embark on a new chapter of her life, they knew more incredible things awaited her in the future.

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