Despite Being Born Blind, This Kitten Flourishes With His Loyal Sister By His Side

two black kittens

Abandoned cats and kittens have one wish only, to find a safe and warm home where they’ll be loved.

Fortunately, this wish came true for an adorable duo rescued from the streets and brought to an animal shelter.

The kittens were found alone, without their mother, at just around three weeks old. Their tiny bodies were covered in soft, fuzzy coats. 

However, upon closer examination, shelter staff noticed something unusual: one of the kittens appeared to be blind, with a cloudy appearance in his eyes. 

After hearing their story, the compassionate members of Baby Kitten Rescue didn’t hesitate to take them under their care.

Jamie, a dedicated volunteer of the rescue in Los Angeles, welcomed the kittens with open arms and a loving heart, saying:

“I couldn’t be more in love with them already.”

Once they settled in their foster home, the kittens embarked on their exploratory journey together. Every activity they engaged in, they did as a pair, inseparable. Jamie said:

“Pebbles is such an outgoing girl, and I have already noticed her keeping a close eye on her brother, Bamm-Bamm (the one with cloudy eyes). She acts like a caretaker and is always cuddling up against him and following him around. I can tell these two will be bonded for life.”

Jamie provided round-the-clock care, ensuring they received nourishment, essential fluids, and proper hydration. Over time, the kittens showed remarkable progress. 

They gained weight, and their energy levels soared. By the time they reached 4–5 weeks of age, Jamie noted:

“It has become evident to me that their growth is stunted, which is common with special needs kittens. They’re healthy otherwise and gaining weight, just at a slower rate.”

In addition to receiving the necessary care, the kittens remained unwaveringly devoted to one another. Jamie said:

“They are definitely bonded, so much so that when one of them isn’t in the playpen with the other, they scream endlessly. The moment they’re back together, all is well. They are always side by side or huddled together.”

Then, after two weeks of fostering, something remarkable happened. Jamie noticed a change in Bamm-Bamm. Whenever she waved her hand in front of him, he tracked the movement and attempted to grasp it. Jamie explained:

“Since the day we got the Flintstones babies, the director had us begin administering two different eye drops twice a day to see if they would help his eyesight before seeing an Ophthalmologist. Bamm’s eyes have started to look less foggy, and it has become evident that he can see (a little).” 

Both kittens made rapid progress. They learned to use the litter box independently and transitioned to eating solid foods, showcasing their resilience.

When the time came for Bamm-Bamm to visit a specialist, his sister Pebbles showed him e-meow-tional support. That day, Bamm-Bamm was diagnosed with superficial corneal ulcers. 

According to Cornell Feline Health Center, the superficial corneal ulcers may develop due to several things such as scratches from a fight, ingrown eyelashes, dirt, viral and bacterial infections, and similar.

“The doctor thinks that Bamm-Bamm had an infection before his eyes opened. Regardless of what caused it, Bamm-Bamm is expected to make a full recovery and restore vision in both eyes.”

Bamm-Bamm continued his treatments, and his unwavering spirit left Jamie in awe.

“I’m always amazed at how adaptable and resilient kittens are in dire conditions. With the right care, they can heal quickly and be restored to a healthy state.”

Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm cherish their time together, hoping to remain inseparable. In Jamie’s words:

“They are perfect, beautiful, and unique. All they want, like any other living being, is love.”

For more heartwarming stories, make sure you visit Happy Whisker!

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