Cat Abandoned Not Once But Twice Finally Finds A Home That Is Truly Forever

Caring for a cat is not an easy task. Unfortunately, many people are unaware of this. They adopt a cat, and once the task gets hard, they abandon it.
You should always educate yourself on everything that needs to be done before you adopt any pet.
Once you’ve got what you need and you feel prepared for the ‘job’, only then should you adopt. Cats truly enrich our lives, but they also bring about certain responsibilities that need to be taken seriously.
This cat’s first family gave her up to a shelter once they had kids. Her second family was very loving, and they had a hard time giving her up. But they did so because she had some issues.
After that, she became a barn cat across from the house her soon-to-be third (and forever) family lived in. As her current owner says:
“She was so scared because at that point she was not an outdoor cat.”
This girl, who became her furever pawrent, named her Lucy and hung out with her all the time. So she was shocked when Lucy went missing for two or three weeks…
“I was walking home one day, and I saw out of the corner of my eye, this scraggly little gray and white cat who looked so malnourished and dirty. I said ‘Lucy’ and she turned around, meowed at me, and ran to me.”
Lucy followed her home that day, and that was the beginning of their life together.
Although, in the beginning, they had some issues… The girl was only 13 when she met Lucy and started taking care of her.
Her family didn’t allow pets in the house, so she would do her best to make Lucy feel warm, safe, and at home… even though it was in front of the house.
“I think when she saw me, she felt hope, like this was her chance. She was going to have somebody who is gonna love her.”
She could not leave Lucy, and she loved her as well. But her parents had medical issues, so she wasn’t able to bring Lucy inside. Still, she felt that all that she did wasn’t enough.
Snow during the winter was the scariest, but gradually, she started bringing Lucy inside. She would spend time in one part of the house with her favorite human.
She is turning 18 soon and is working and doing her best to find a place of their own so she can live there with Lucy.
Lucy is very playful, and she is actually a very independent and bold cat. All cats in their neighborhood fear her, haha.
They go on many walks in the forest and around their neighborhood. Lucy loves it; she loves running and spending time with her favorite human.
This girl gave Lucy a chance and it’s so amazing how incredible it turned out. She is now healthy and happy and is a pretty good pet too.
You can also check out their Instagram profile for more daily updates on their adventures together.