Cat Becomes ‘Foster Mother’ To 8 Abandoned Hedgehogs And Their Caretakers Can’t Believe It

cat foster mother to hedgehogs

In an unlikely turn of events, a gentle and friendly cat named Musya has become a global sensation as the ‘Mother of Hedgehogs.’ 

Musya is living in a zoo and she has captivated people worldwide by nurturing a litter of orphaned baby hedgehogs. 

Despite their tiny spikes, Musya’s natural maternal instincts led her to care for these unique little creatures as if they were her own kittens. But how did it get to this?

a fluffy black cat
Credit: Instagram

One day, eight tiny hoglets whose mother had tragically passed (likely due to a lawnmower accident) arrived at the zoo. These babies were vulnerable, blind, and in desperate need of milk to survive. 

The zookeepers were determined to save the hoglets, but feeding them proved more challenging than they thought. 

The baby hedgehogs rejected milk offered from bottles, syringes, and even saucers. It seemed their survival would require an unexpected miracle. And that miracle came in the form of Musya, the cat.

a bunch of hedgehogs
Credit: Instagram

As the zookeepers worried over how to care for the orphaned hoglets, Musya happened to be nearby. The zoo shared on Instagram that Musya, filled with curiosity, wandered over to see the new arrivals. 

Then, something incredible happened: her maternal instincts kicked in, surprising everyone – especially since Musya had been sterilized. Yet, somehow, she began producing milk, as if she was ready to step into the role of their mother.

cat with hedgehogs
Credit: Instagram

The zookeepers decided to wait and see if Musya would adopt the little hedgehogs, and she did so immediately. 

For over a week, she kept them close, warm, and well-fed, treating them as if they were her own kittens. At night, Musya would cuddle around them, shielding them from the cold and creating a comforting haven for the spiky babies.

cat taking care of hedgehogs
Credit: Instagram

As photos and videos of Musya nursing the hoglets spread online, her story quickly went viral. People were captivated by the unusual bond between a cat and her unlikely ‘children.’ 

Soon, Musya became a star online, affectionately nicknamed ‘Musya, Mother of Hedgehogs.’ Zoo visitors were encouraged to come by and meet this unique mama cat.

black cat lying with hedgehogs
Credit: Instagram

As the hoglets grew stronger, they learned to eat on their own and were moved to their special enclosure at the zoo, where visitors could see them in a natural habitat complete with plants, caves, and a cozy hedgehog lair. 

Musya’s ‘children’ flourished, becoming healthy adults under the watchful care of their adoptive cat mom and the zookeepers.

a hedgehog on the plastic bowl outdoor
Credit: Instagram

Today, the zoo continues to receive orphaned hoglets, and Musya’s role as a surrogate mother lives on as a beautiful memory. 

People still talk about Musya’s legacy, and some even say she occasionally stops by the hedgehog enclosure, as if checking in on her ‘babies.’

a hedgehog in nature on the tree
Credit: Instagram

Musya’s story is more than a viral moment! Their bond is rare, and the story has become like a heartwarming legend, shared across social media and celebrated worldwide. 

For those visiting the zoo, Musya might still be spotted roaming nearby or peeking into the hedgehogs’ enclosure to check in on her spiky little ones.

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