Cat Interrupts Her Owner’s Forecast And Becomes Internet’s Favorite Meowteorologist

Working from home while being a full-time cat parent isn’t always easy, and I’m sure many of you can relate.
You know what cats are like; they can be quite demanding of your attention, especially when you have serious business to do. Usually, they’ll do anything to get what they want. Well, that’s precisely what happened to this meteorologist.
We’re used to seeing meteorologists in the studio, but this one was broadcasting from home then, unaware that his cat was about to steal the show! Just click the video below and see it for yourself.
The cat, named Betty, and her owner Jeff Lyons, the Chief Meteorologist at NBC affiliate 14 News, make a purrfect duo.
During the pandemic, Jeff was working from home. One day, while delivering a weather forecast, his friendly cat Betty casually interrupted the report.
But, Betty didn’t only steal all the attention and interrupt Jeff, she also got a new job as a weathercat.
In the video, you can also see Jeff holding Betty in his arms while he continues his report. He said:
“There are some benefits to working from home, as much as I’d like to be back there with everybody. Betty here, this is the Lyons household cat, seems to be enamored of all the lights. She’s shedding right now, ‘cause it’s going to be chilly!”

After posting the video of the cat interrupting the fur-cast, Jeff’s video immediately went viral. Betty continued video-bombing Jeff’s reports, leading to a spike in her popularity.
In the end, Jeff concluded that most of the viewers were watching the forecast because of the cat rather than because of him or the actual weather.
Well, who can blame them? I’d likely do the same, haha… However, this isn’t the only case of cats stealing the show on TV or online.
If you’re interested in more such stories, I suggest you check out the following examples, and let them entertain you:
• Friendly Cat Casually Interrupts A Serious TV Interview
• Cat Keeps Interrupting Woman In A Hilarious Video – The Timing Is Exquisite
• Reporter Tries To Stay Cool While Her Two Cats Fight Behind Her During Live TV Interview (VIDEO)