Cat Enjoys Thanksgiving Dinner After Being Safely Rescued From A Suitcase

cat enjoys thanksgiving dinner

Remember Smells, a ginger kitty who was recently rescued from a suitcase at JFK Airport?

This furry adventurer managed to sneak into his family’s guest’s luggage, nearly hitching a ride to Orlando, Florida.

Thankfully, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) officers, aided by their trusty X-ray machine, spotted the unmistakable outline of a cat in the suitcase. 

After spotting the cat, TSA saved Smells from an unexpected journey and safely returned him to his relieved family.

After enduring several hours in the confinements of a suitcase, Smells emerged unharmed, with his misadventure coming to an end. 

cat at thanksgiving dinner
Source: TSA

Instead of getting on a plane in a suitcase, he got to enjoy a cozy Thanksgiving dinner at home in Brooklyn. Not bad after all, right?

The TSA even shared a tweet featuring a photo of Smells sitting in front of a delicious-looking Thanksgiving dinner, licking his little whiskers. Lisa Farbstein jokingly wrote:

“Smells, the cat who TSA recently rescued from a checked bag at JFK Airport after he snuck into a suitcase in an attempt to fly to Orlando, enjoyed Thanksgiving at home in Brooklyn. Apparently, Smells was planning to chase after a big mouse he heard was running around Disneyworld.”

Even though he didn’t really deserve it, Smells was presented with a delicious meal, that appeared to be meat with green beans and mashed potatoes, and even a nice glass of red wine, haha.

relaxed cat
Source: TSA

Now, regarding the glass of wine accompanying his meal, it’s a bit of a mystery. Was this delightful spread specially prepared for him, or was it yet another of his whimsical attempts to enjoy something he shouldn’t? 

The truth remains shrouded in feline secrecy. One thing’s for sure, though – Smells is one cunning kitty. 

While he may be adorable, beware: this cat is full of surprises. We can only imagine the adventures and misadventures that unfold in his family’s life.

And for those who haven’t heard how this kitty almost got on a plane without anyone knowing, here’s the full story to help you put the puzzles together:

Airport Staff Found A Cat Trapped In A Suitcase

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