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This Cat Fakes An Injury And The Reason Why Will Leave You In Stitches

This Cat Fakes An Injury And The Reason Why Will Leave You In Stitches

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If cats could get an Oscar for best actor, I would nominate the ginger fluff named Susan from today’s story immediately. 

cat faking a injury
Credit: TikTok

Susan, a gorgeous cat in a ginger coat, lives the perfect indoor-outdoor life. Whenever the weather is nice, her parents let her out and she goes to explore their neighborhood.

cat named susan
Credit: TikTok

One day Susan came back with what seemed to be an awful paw injury. Her mom spotted her sitting on the back porch waiting for someone to let her in.

Her little paw was slightly raised and her mom’s heart skipped a beat. Worried about what had happened to her beloved Susan she rushed outside to get her.

cat sitting by the glass door
Credit: TikTok

However, once Susan went inside she put her paw down and walked directly to her food bowl. Her mom stood there confused, not quite sure what just happened.

She examined her paw, but couldn’t find anything indicating she was hurt. That same evening they rushed her to the emergency vet only to find out there was nothing wrong with her paw!

cat walking in through the door
Credit: TikTok

Her parents were speechless! This little rascal faked a paw injury just to be let inside as soon as possible. 

From that day on, every time she’d come back from her outdoor adventures she would act as if she was hurt. The moment she stepped her little paws inside, she would walk off as if nothing had happened!

cat sitting indoors
Credit: TikTok

Why Susan started doing this was uncertain, but it shows that cats do understand compassion and empathy.

Since then, her parents always have a good laugh and they even went in on the act with her. Once she steps inside, they shout:

“It’s a miracle! She’s healed!”

Talk about an Oscar-worthy performance right there! Some might call her a drama queen, but to me, Susan is just an amazing actress. Take a look at the entire video!


Faking an injury to get inside. 🐱 😸 #faking #catfish

♬ original sound – FlexLatch

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