We are all too familiar with the sassy attitude of our feline friends. If our furry companions set their minds to something, you can bet they’ll do whatever it takes to stick to it – especially if we show any signs of resistance!
When I tried to teach one of my rescue kitties not to jump on the kitchen counters, my lessons turned into months of struggles to stay calm, collected, and – honestly – sane!
The more I tried to teach her that kitchen counters weren’t meant for her fabulous catwalk, the more she defied my rules and jumped on them!
Eventually, we found common ground, but boy, was it a struggle!
The woman in today’s story is dealing with something similar – except she has it much worse because her little feline rebel makes her late for work every morning! Here’s her story!
A Morning Routine? More Like A Morning Struggle!

When Aynuse Ceylan first moved into her new apartment, she quickly fell in love with the neighborhood and made friends with her lovely neighbors.
However, among the many people she met, there was one very special tomcat named Rifki.
Rifki had quite the reputation in his neighborhood. With his luxurious mane and piercing eyes, he was impossible to ignore – his beauty captivated everyone who crossed his path.
As a beloved and respected feline in the area, Rifki seemed to feel entitled to claim anything he desired as his own – including Aynuse’s car.

One morning, as Aynuse rushed down the stairs on her way to work, she found Rifki perched on top of her car roof. She tried gently shooing him away, but to her surprise, Rifki refused to budge.
Already running a bit late for work, Aynuse asked the building’s security guard for help.
After the man gently removed the stubborn cat, Aynuse got into her car and drove off, unaware that the same routine would await her the next day – and the day after that… and the day after that…

Whether out of revenge or for reasons only Rifki understands, the tomcat decided that Aynuse’s car would be his new favorite morning hangout spot.
Speaking about her experience in an interview, Aynuse said:
“He is obsessed with my car. He believes it’s his.”
Every time she tries to move him and take back what rightfully belongs to her, Rifki fights back, as if defending something that has always been his! As Aynuse jokingly put it:
“He uses serious violence. He’s a psychopath.”

Struggling to get Rifki off her car roof has become a key part of Aynuse’s morning routine.
At first, it was frustrating, making her late for work almost every day. But over time, she learned to adapt, accepting Rifki’s stubborn antics as her new normal.
Little did she know, Rifki had yet another surprise in store for his human frenemy…
“I Know Where You Live, Meow!”

Believe it or not, Rifki has even figured out which apartment belongs to Aynuse – and now he makes a point of tormenting her right on her doorstep, too!
Can you imagine? Not only does he turn her mornings into a literal nightmare, but he also disrupts her peace when she’s home, tired after a long day at work. What a meowstermind, haha!
Talking about this surprising turn of events, Aynuse shared:
“When his belly is empty, he finds my house in the building and meows at my door. And I feed him!”

Mind you, Rifki isn’t even a stray cat! He has a home where he’s loved and well cared for – he just chooses not to be there during the day, haha!
Still, even after Aynuse gives in first and feeds him, hoping to bury their hatchet and start fresh, Rifki is right back on her car the next morning, ready to defend ‘his property’ with claws and hisses.
But despite all the trouble Rifki causes, Aynuse can’t help having a soft spot for her mischievous furry frenemy.
Aynuse’s New Normal

Is Aynuse frustrated by the morning delays caused by Rifki? Absolutely! But she’s also learned to appreciate his charming yet intrusive nature.
If you ask me, that’s a great life lesson! Sometimes, you just have to accept the things you can’t change – and keep moving forward!
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