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A Family’s Pet Cat Stops A Would-Be Burglar 

A Family’s Pet Cat Stops A Would-Be Burglar 

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Now this is what I call a guard cat!

A family’s pet cat brought down a would-be burglar and is now called a hero. 

According to WHTR a cat named Binky did a great job stopping a burglar that was trying to climb into their house. 

the cat stopped the burglar

“That would-be burglar showed up to a house here in Philly, determined to get in not knowing that the family cat would be determined to keep him out.”

Even the cat’s owner, Cynthia Kootz, was shocked when she saw her Binky growling. 

a woman with glasses holds a cat in her arms

Sometime around midnight, a noise from outside startled Cynthia, and she went to check it out. She didn’t notice anything strange, so she went back into her house.

Just minutes later, a strange man started banging and kicking on her front window, trying to convince Cynthia to let him inside.

“I mean, he was beating and kicking. Trying to tell me that I gotta let him in.”

However, the man didn’t give up and he tried to break into her house. His hand went through the window as he tried to open it to get in, and the next thing you know, Binky went after him!

the cat enjoys the woman's arms

The man, however, tried to get in once more, but Binky stopped him again! As his proud owner says:

“Binky blew up like a balloon and got him again!”

Officers found and arrested the man for vandalism and residential entry. They also had to call paramedics since the man had wounds from Binky all over his hands. 

“He ain’t clawless, he can only fight. And he has got some pretty sharp fangs!”

As the reporter for WTHR says, even the burglar had a hard time confessing that a cat was responsible for his injuries. More on it in the WTHR report video below:

Cynthia was shocked but also very thankful for her loyal pet. Can you even imagine? I hope something like this never happens to anyone. But in case it does, I hope everyone’s got a Binky on their side!

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