California Man Falls On His Knees Once Firefighter Pulls Out His Cat From A Burning House

As a cat mom, I couldn’t hold my tears when I first stumbled upon this heartbreaking video. 

Thinking about my cats being stuck in a burning house is a nightmare. Sadly, this was a reality for a California resident whose house recently caught fire. 

firefighters putting fire away
Source: YouTube

In a small suburban neighborhood called Tarzana, a peaceful night turned into a nightmare once the roof of the man’s home caught fire.

The Los Angeles Fire Department was quick to arrive but soon discovered the homeowner in a desperate state. 

two old men
Source: YouTube

The poor man was unable to locate his beloved cat once the fire started and neighbors pulled him out of the burning house, worried about his well-being.

Once the firefighters arrived, the man was repeating just one thing over and over:

“My cat! My cat! Please take my cat out!”

man hugging a cat
Source: YouTube

As he was standing and watching his home perish away in the fire, the only thing he could think about was his cat. 

Worried that the cat hid somewhere from the fire, firefighters were knocking on top of the roof all in the hope the poor feline would jump out. 

relieved man holding a cat
Source: YouTube

As the homeowner was standing and watching in despair, one firefighter emerged from the burning home holding his precious cat. 

The distressed man quickly took the cat in his arms and immediately fell to his knees. He was overcome with emotions, but above all grateful that his feline companion was alive. 

man crying and holding a cat
Source: YouTube

As he was hugging his cat, tears of relief poured down his face. Kind neighbors quickly brought over some water for the cat.

The cat was panting and had minor injuries, but most importantly he was alive and in the safety of his owner’s arms. 

I can’t even imagine the feeling of fright and worry this man experienced that evening. Thanks to the firefighter an innocent furry life was saved that night.

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