This Cat Will Yell And Yell Until She Gets What She Wants But Her Mom Seems To Be OK With It

This sassy cat will yell nonstop until she gets what she wants. Haley, her owner, was stunned the first time it happened – she couldn’t believe what was going on.
Bella Bean goes absolutely wild for cheese, and that’s just one reason for her yelling. Trust me, there are more!

It’s a regular occurrence in their everyday life for Bella to yell. She’ll just be hanging from the kitchen drawer and screaming.
If she could talk, she’d be shouting, ‘Give! Me! Cheese!’ or ‘Give. Me. Treats.’ ten times a day, lol! When she’s hungry, she gets so wild that she’s even ready to swat at them with her paw!

In a video, Haley shared how Bella was the complete opposite when they first adopted her:
“When we brought her home, she was a scared little baby. She was quiet and nervous. She’d be like, wrapped around my head, snuggle while I slept.”

That period was all about bonding for Bella, Haley, and her husband, and they quickly became best friends.
It was also when Bella started showing her little ‘screamy, sassy personality.’

She often tries to steal food from someone, but luckily, she listens when Haley or her husband say ‘no’.
However, Bella frequently switches into protective, or rather ‘screamy’, mode and won’t give up until she gets what she’s asking for.

She’ll stand in your way and meow like crazy. On top of that, almost every morning around 4 a.m., she screams for toys.
Haley always makes sure Bella is never home alone because she feels abandoned and, guess what? She yells at them for leaving her.
Bella is constantly following Haley around, getting in her way, screaming, or pawing at her. Even when Haley is in the bath, Bella is right there beside her.

If Bella wants to go outside, she’ll scream at the door, which is actually quite helpful. My cat does this too, but I honestly don’t know what I’d do if my cat screamed at everything!
Bella loves walking on a leash. She gets nervous in new places but mostly enjoys it and always wants to go on outdoor adventures. I bet Haley loves it too, since that’s one of the times Bella doesn’t scream.

Bella often gets so happy and excited that her purrs turn into adorable little squeaks. For example when they take her on hiking trails, she absolutely loves it!
Bella enjoys tide pools, climbing trees, and exploring new environments, especially in nature. Above all, Haley adores her and cherishes even those early morning screams:
“Her little screams bring all of us the most happiness. My cat truly is special.”