Fragile Cat Found In Drainage Pipe Gets A New Life Thanks To A Couple Who Didn’t Give Up On Her

Stray cats have a really hard life when you compare them to pet cats. The weather is not kind to them – it’s scorching hot during the day, freezing cold at night, and they get drenched in heavy rain making them sick.
They have to deal with bugs and diseases, and they’re always in danger from other animals. Being a stray cat is definitely not a piece of cake, and sometimes they really need our help just to stay alive.
So, let me tell you a story about one such cat who had to face some really awful conditions just to survive.

Ashley, a woman with a deep love for animals, noticed a severely distressed cat hanging out in her backyard.
It appeared that this poor kitty had turned a drainage pipe into a home, which definitely wasn’t a safe place to live.
Completely shocked as they had never witnessed anything like it before, Ashley and her husband decided to approach and investigate. What they found was a trembling fragile cat completely drenched from the rain.

Ashley and her husband knew that with the bad weather and wild animals like foxes and coyotes around, the cat wasn’t safe, so they knew they had to take action. As she shared:
“I knew she wasn’t super safe out there because we got animals out here. We’ve got foxes and coyotes and lots of different wildlife out here.”
However, saving the cat wasn’t an easy task, so Ashley and her husband started a long mission that went on for months. She continued:
“It all started with my husband, who has a heart of gold, and he’s like ‘The cat is starving and I can’t see an animal starving out in my backyard.'”

They had to be really patient and work on building trust with the cat. Every single day, Ashley would go to her backyard with some food and a gentle attitude, hoping to create a bond with the furry creature.
At times, things got really frustrating. No matter how much Ashley tried, the cat would still get scared and hide in the dark whenever there was a sudden noise. However, Ashley didn’t give up and kept being patient, as she mentioned:
“I would go out and I would sit with her and I’d call for her, just try to build that trust with her. I was just more of the same for months on end, just trying to get her to come closer to me and I would get her to come to the house a little bit at a time.”

After weeks of trying, the cat gradually started to trust Ashley and her fear slowly turned into something else. She began to understand that Ashley was a friend and not a threat. Ashley continued:
“I was really excited, but I was also terrified because I thought she’d bite me. I was ready for her to fight me, scratch me, and be mean. But she wasn’t, she was just so terrified. She really is the sweetest cat.”

Once a little bit of trust was shown, a beautiful bond blossomed between Ashley and the cat. She started exploring more and became comfortable enough to come inside the house.
Even though she still preferred to be alone upstairs during the day, Ashley could hear her having fun and playing at night all around the house, as she shared:
“Once I saw that I could touch her, I was just really taken aback and really excited. This could be the beginning of a cool relationship with this cat. She’s taking baby steps but she’s definitely taking her time. She likes to stay upstairs in her little quiet place and then I can hear her running around at night.”

Once the cat got used to her new home, she wasn’t scared anymore! Instead, she turned out to be very friendly. She loved playing with Ashley, snuggling up to her, and running after toys.

It was obvious that she craved love just as much as Ashley enjoyed giving it. Although it took some time for her to fully settle in, the progress was clear.
Each day, she became a bit braver, a little more trusting, and a lot more cuddly. Ashley mentioned:
“She’s loved and she’s cared for. I’m really just trying to do the best I can for her and give her a loving home after being out there for so long. I’m so proud of her.”

Do you even remember that scared cat who always hid in the shadows? Well, now she’s Ashley’s snuggle buddy!
She loves getting cuddles from her new mom very much – it’s like she’s making up for lost time.
Honestly, this sweet kitty wouldn’t have survived without Ashley’s care. I’m so happy that she is now safe and loved in her forever home, despite enduring terrible circumstances.