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Watch This Confused Dog’s Reaction When He Encounters A Kitten For The Very First Time

Watch This Confused Dog’s Reaction When He Encounters A Kitten For The Very First Time

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Rocky, a lively German Shepherd, found himself in a surprising situation. One day, he met a tiny, fluffy creature – a kitten! 

Right from the start, it was clear that this meeting was going to be an adventure because Rocky had never seen such a small and delicate animal before. 

dog and a tiny kitten
Credit: YouTube

His first reaction was a mix of confusion and curiosity, and anyone watching could tell this encounter would be super cute to see. 

When Rocky first spotted the kitten, he was totally puzzled. He didn’t know what to think about this little creature that was so different from anything he had ever met. 

kitten next to a dog
Credit: YouTube

So, he did what he does best – his instincts kicked in, and he started to sniff the kitten to figure it out. 

Even with his sharp sense of smell, Rocky couldn’t quite understand what this new friend was. His funny confusion made him pause and watch the kitten with careful interest. 

Rocky kept investigating the kitten, driven by his natural curiosity and herding instincts, wondering if the kitten might be something he could eat.

dog looking at kitten
Credit: YouTube

Even for a moment, Rocky thought about tasting the tiny kitten as he opened his mouth. But then he realized that it was better to think clearly instead of just following his stomach. 

This choice was the beginning of a new way for him to connect with the little cat. Once he understood that the kitten wasn’t food, Rocky stepped back and changed how he acted.

He started to show love by gently licking the kitten, which showed he was starting to see it as a friend instead of a snack. 

dog sniffing kitten
Credit: YouTube

Rocky’s instincts were shifting from just being curious to actually caring, which helped them start to bond. 

As he played with the kitten, he seemed to recognize the kitten as a baby animal, maybe reminding him of his own puppy days. 

This made Rocky even gentler and brought out his caring side. The kitten, feeling more comfortable, began to climb over Rocky, which made things a bit more complicated. 

kitten lying next to a dog
Credit: YouTube

However, after some time, even though this playful climbing confused him, Rocky began to understand. I guess he remembered that German Shepherds and cats could live together happily if they learned to get along.

As Rocky and the little kitten played together, it was obvious they were becoming good friends. 

The kitten, feeling brave now, would playfully bat at Rocky’s nose or climb up onto his back. Rocky, on the other hand, kept a watchful eye on the kitten, making sure it was safe. 

tiny kitten and a dog
Credit: YouTube

As for me, I’m just relieved that Rocky didn’t decide to eat the kitten. That would have been a really sad ending! 

I also hope Rocky starts to appreciate cats more. Does he know that they may be smaller, but they are definitely not inferior?

Cats are clever, self-sufficient, and have a mysterious charm that even the strongest dogs can’t fully understand. 

I hope Rocky figures that out, or else the kitten might just end up being the one in charge! After all, who’s really the boss in this household?

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