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Nearly Frozen Cat Drags Herself Across A Snowy Driveway in Pennsylvania, Hoping for A Miracle

Nearly Frozen Cat Drags Herself Across A Snowy Driveway in Pennsylvania, Hoping for A Miracle

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Being a stray cat during the harsh winter months is one of the most difficult struggles. Without enough food, water, or a warm and safe place to stay, many stray cats face tragic endings.

The same fate nearly befell a tiny black and white cat in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Starving and suffering from health issues caused by the brutal cold, this little fighter clung to life.

With no strength left to carry on, the poor cat collapsed in the snow, nearly frozen. She dragged herself across a snowy driveway, hoping someone would notice her.

Time was running out, and it seemed she had accepted her fate. But just when all hope seemed lost, her fortune took a miraculous turn.

A Life-Saving Call

frozen black cat
Source: Pet Friends

It all began when Carly Toth, a cat coordinator at the animal rescue Pet Friends, received an urgent call while helping a local feral cat colony. She recalled the moment in an interview:

“There was a good friend of mine who was trying to get a newly discovered colony inside before the weather took another turn. So, I agreed to take three cats who were pseudo-friendly. I literally had just pulled away… and she called me, and she was like, ‘There’s a frozen cat in McKeesport. Can you find somewhere to take it?’”

Carly was unsure of what to do at first. In her 10 years of animal rescue work, she had never dealt with a frozen cat.

But knowing time was running out, she rushed to the location, praying it wasn’t too late. When she arrived and saw the cat lying helplessly in the snow, her heart shattered.

She gently scooped the fragile cat into her arms, wrapped her in a blanket, and rushed her straight to the vet clinic.

A Faint Heartbeat Of Hope

vet helping a black cat
Source: Pet Friends

The veterinary team was already waiting when Carly arrived. A vet tech named Lizzie gently took the cat and rushed her in for an examination.

No one believed the cat would survive until the vets detected a faint heartbeat. That was when they realized they had to fight for her survival. Carly shared:

“She was as cold as she could get. It took three hours for her temperature to even register on the thermometer.”

After providing the cat with the necessary treatments, the vets gently placed her on a heating pad, covered in warm towels, and patiently waited for a miracle.

An Unbreakable Spirit

black cat in crate
Source: Pet Friends

To everyone’s delight, the cat began waking up. The moment she opened her eyes, she showed her incredible fighting spirit. Lizzie recalled the heartwarming moment:

“Just as soon as she woke up, the first thing she was doing was making biscuits. She’s just so resilient. And, I don’t know, just the way that she looks at you like she’s so thankful and she’s so happy to be here.”

However, a further examination also revealed a glimpse into her past. She wasn’t spayed or vaccinated, but she was microchipped. 

The vet staff immediately contacted the number on her microchip, but what happened next left them shocked.

Instead of reclaiming the cat or offering to help with her medical care, her former owner chose to surrender her.

It turned out she had been living on the streets for over a month, abandoned by the only home she had ever known.

Her harsh time outdoors had left her severely wounded, with deep injuries on her back legs that required immediate medical attention and a long recovery. Despite everything, she never stopped fighting.

A Fresh Start

beautiful senior cat
Source: Pet Friends

After receiving the much-needed care, Carly offered to foster the cat. Since she had survived against all odds, Carly decided to name her Birthday, a symbol of her new beginning. She added:

“She’s friendly as can be. She’s sweet as pie.”

However, during her daily vet visits, Birthday spent a lot of time with Lizzie. Slowly but surely, the two formed an incredible bond and Lizzie knew she had to adopt her. She said:

“It wasn’t even a conscious choice. I was like, ‘I just can’t let her go.” I just have to keep her in my life.”

Everything was fine until one vet examination revealed that one of the Birthday’s legs was unable to be saved. 

Sadly, they had to amputate her leg, but Birthday refused to let anything stop her from living her best life. Lizzie said:

“There’s just something about her. I can’t put it into words. I was one of the first nurses there helping when she woke up. And I was holding her the other day, and I was like, ‘I can’t let you go anywhere else.’ You know what I mean? I just love this cat.”

Well, I couldn’t be happier for Lizzie and Birthday. She finally found her perfect human who will love and cherish her for the rest of her life, just as she deserves!

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